Prof. Dr. Daniel Kümmel
"No positions via CiM-IMPRS in 2024"

Mechanisms of Intracellular Transport and Signalling

Structure of a TSC1 localization domain reveals regulatory mechanisms in the mTORC1 growth signalling pathway.
© Kümmel

Cell Biology / Molecular Biology

We are interested in understanding the coordination, regulation and crosstalk between intracellular transport and signal transduction on a molecular level.

Maintenance of cellular homeostasis requires the transport of substances between different compartments of the cell and its exterior as well as the coordination with growth signalling pathways. Small GTPases, which are molecular switches, and their regulators are key components of these cellular networks. We want to understand how these proteins work together to maintain proper cellular function and how their deregulation can contribute to diseases like cancer.

Our approach includes the structural and functional investigation of proteins involved in these processes. We combine X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy with biophysical, biochemical and cell biological methods to characterize these proteins on a mechanistic level and explain their function. A detailed understanding of protein structure allows us to investigate the role of these proteins under physiological and pathological conditions and aids the design of inhibitors.


Prof. Dr. Daniel Kümmel
Prof. Dr. Daniel Kümmel
University of Münster
Institut für Biochemistry
Corrensstr. 36
48149 Münster
T: +49 (0) 251- 83 - 33201
F: +49 (0) 251- 83 - 33206


  • 1998-2004: Diploma, Biochemistry, Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen, Germany

  • 2004-2007: PhD student, Max-Delbrück- Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin-Buch, Germany

  • 2007: Dr. rer. nat., Free University Berlin, Germany

  • 2007-2008: Postdoc Max-Delbrück- Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin-Buch, Germany

  • 2008 -2013: Postdoc, Yale University, New Haven, USA

  • 2013-2017: Emmy Noether Group Leader, University of Osnabrück, Germany

  • Since 2017: Professor of Biochemistry and Structural Biology, Institute of Biochemistry, University of Münster, Germany

Selected references

Klink BU, Herrmann E, Antoni C, Langemeyer L, Kiontke S., Gatsogiannis C, Ungermann C, Raunser S, Kümmel D (2022) Structure of the Mon1-Ccz1 complex reveals molecular basis of membrane binding for Rab7 activation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 119: e2121494119

Peters A, Herrmann E, Cornelissen NV, Klöcker N, Kümmel D, Rentmeister A (2022) Visible-light Removable Photocaging Groups Accepted by MjMAT Variant: Structural Basis and Compatibility with DNA and RNA Methyltransferases. Chembiochem, 23: e202100437

Fitzian K, Brückner A, Brohée L, Zech R, Antoni C, Kiontke S, Gasper R, Linard Matos AL, Beel S, Wilhelm S, Gerke V, Ungermann C, Nellist M, Raunser S, Demetriades C, Oeckinghaus A, Kümmel D. (2021) TSC1 binding to lysosomal PIPs is required for TSC complex translocation and mTORC1 regulation. Mol Cell, 81: 2705-2721

Hansmann P, Brückner A, Kiontke S, Berkenfeld B, Seebohm G, Brouillard P, Vikkula M, Jansen FE, Nellist M, Oeckinghaus A, Kümmel D (2020). Structural analysis of the TSC2 GAP domain: mechanistic insight into catalysis and pathogenic mutations. Structure, 28: 933-942.

Kiontke S, Langemeyer L, Kuhlee A, Schuback S, Raunser S, Ungermann C, Kümmel D (2017). Architecture and mechanism of the late endosomal Rab7-like Ypt7 guanine nucleotide exchange factor complex Mon1–Ccz1. Nat. Commun. 8: 14034


Kümmel Lab