Teaching & Study Evaluation

The results of the evaluation of the Study of Business Chemistry are only accessible for students and employees of the University of Münster.

  • 2013: The evaluation results of the Master’s Studies in Business Chemistry (Class of 2013) and the inter-class survey to the Study situation are now accessible at the study coordination.
  • 2012: The evaluation results of the study situation in the Master’s Study in Business Chemistry (Class of 2011) are now accessible at the study coordination.
  • 2012: The evaluation results of the symposium simulation in the seminar to innovation marketing are now accessible in the study coordination.
  • 2011: The evaluation results of the study situation in the Master’s Study in Business Chemistry (Class of 2010) are now accessible at the study coordination.

The evaluations of the single courses are published on the homepages of the associated university departments (normally at the beginning of the following semester):


The full time Study of Business Chemistry at the University of Münster was examined by the ZEvA for quality and feasibility of studying and successfully accredited. The Master’s Studies of Business Chemistry are offered since the winter term 2010/2011.