• Participation in “Cells in Motion”

    • Research interests: cell mechanics, cell motility, cancer cell invasion, 3D organoid and tumour models, zebrafish development, soft matter physics, microscopy development, optical tweezers and UV microablation, traction force microscopy, non-equilibrium physics in living systems, mechanics of transmigration, actin based force generation, quantitative modelling of active living systems
    • Cells in Motion Professor of Cell Mechanics
  • News & views

  • Papers in the research focus “cell dynamics and imaging”

    all papers by Timo Betz


    Kummer D, Steinbacher T, Tholmann S, Schwietzer MF, Hartmann C, Horenkamp S, Demuth S, Peddibhotla SSD, Brinkmann F, Kemper B, Schnekenburger J, Brandt M, Betz T, Liashkovich I, Kouzel IU, Shahin V, Corvaia N, Rottner K, Tarbashevich K, Raz E, Greune L, Schmidt MA, Gerke V, Ebnet K. A JAM-A-tetraspanin-alphavbeta5 integrin complex regulates contact inhibition of locomotion. J Cell Biol 2022;221Abstract
    Russo A, Schurmann H, Brandt M, Scholz K, Matos ALL, Grill D, Revenstorff J, Rembrink M, von Wulffen M, Fischer-Riepe L, Hanley PJ, Hacker H, Prunster M, Sanchez-Madrid F, Hermann S, Klotz L, Gerke V, Betz T, Vogl T, Roth J. Alarming and Calming: Opposing Roles of S100A8/S100A9 Dimers and Tetramers on Monocytes. Adv Sci (Weinh) 2022: e2201505. Abstract


    Olguin-Olguin A, Aalto A, Maugis B, Boquet-Pujadas A, Hoffmann D, Ermlich L, Betz T, Gov NS, Reichman-Fried M, Raz E. Chemokine-biased robust self-organizing polarization of migrating cells in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021;118: e2018480118. Abstract


    Grimaldi C, Schumacher I, Boquet-Pujadas A, Tarbashevich K, Vos BE, Bandemer J, Schick J, Aalto A, Olivo-Marin J-C, Betz T, Raz E. E-cadherin focuses protrusion formation at the front of migrating cells by impeding actin flow. Nat Commun 2020;11: 5397. Abstract
    Gross-Thebing S, Truszkowski L, Tenbrinck D, Sanchez-Iranzo H, Camelo C, Westerich KJ, Singh A, Maier P, Prengel J, Lange P, Huwel J, Gaede F, Sasse R, Vos BE, Betz T, Matis M, Prevedel R, Luschnig S, Diz-Munoz A, Burger M, Raz E. Using migrating cells as probes to illuminate features in live embryonic tissues. Sci Adv 2020;6: eabc5546. Abstract


    Ahmed WW, Fodor E, Almonacid M, Bussonnier M, Verlhac M-H, Gov N, Visco P, van Wijland F, Betz T. Active Mechanics Reveal Molecular-Scale Force Kinetics in Living Oocytes. Biophys J 2018;114: 1667-1679. Abstract
    Wallmeyer B, Trinschek S, Yigit S, Thiele U, Betz T. Collective Cell Migration in Embryogenesis Follows the Laws of Wetting. Biophys J 2018;114: 213-222. Abstract


    Attieh Y, Clark AG, Grass C, Richon S, Pocard M, Mariani P, Elkhatib N, Betz T, Gurchenkov B, Vignjevic DM. Cancer-associated fibroblasts lead tumor invasion through integrin-beta3-dependent fibronectin assembly. J Cell Biol 2017;216: 3509-3520. Abstract
    Goudarzi M, Tarbashevich K, Mildner K, Begemann I, Garcia J, Paksa A, Reichman-Fried M, Mahabaleshwar H, Blaser H, Hartwig J, Zeuschner D, Galic M, Bagnat M, Betz T, Raz E. Bleb Expansion in Migrating Cells Depends on Supply of Membrane from Cell Surface Invaginations. Dev Cell 2017;43: 577-587.e5. Abstract
    Horner F, Meissner R, Polali S, Pfeiffer J, Betz T, Denz C, Raz E. Holographic optical tweezers-based in vivo manipulations in zebrafish embryos. J Biophotonics 2017;10: 1492-1501. Abstract
    Peuhu E, Kaukonen R, Lerche M, Saari M, Guzmán C, Rantakari P, De Franceschi N, Wärri A, Georgiadou M, Jacquemet G, Mattila E, Virtakoivu R, Liu Y, Attie Y, Silva K, Betz T, Sundberg J, Salmi M, Deugnier MA, Eliceiri K, Ivaska J. SHARPIN regulates collagen architecture and ductal outgrowth in the developing mouse mammary gland. EMBO J 2017;36: 165-182. Abstract


    Caorsi V, Lemiere J, Campillo C, Bussonnier M, Manzi J, Betz T, Plastino J, Carvalho K, Sykes C. Cell-sized liposome doublets reveal active tension build-up driven by acto-myosin dynamics. Soft Matter 2016;12: 6223-6231. Abstract
    Kaukonen R, Mai A, Georgiadou M, Saari M, De Franceschi N, Betz T, Sihto H, Ventela S, Elo L, Jokitalo E, Westermarck J, Kellokumpu-Lehtinen P-L, Joensuu H, Grenman R, Ivaska J. Normal stroma suppresses cancer cell proliferation via mechanosensitive regulation of JMJD1a-mediated transcription. Nat Commun 2016;7: 12237. Abstract
    Kopanska KS, Alcheikh Y, Staneva R, Vignjevic D, Betz T, Engler AJ. Tensile Forces Originating from Cancer Spheroids Facilitate Tumor Invasion. PLoS ONE 2016;11: e0156442. Abstract
    Turlier H, Fedosov DA, Audoly B, Auth T, Gov NS, Sykes C, Joanny J-F, Gompper G, Betz T. Equilibrium physics breakdown reveals the active nature of red blood cell flickering. Nat Phys 2016;12: 513-519. Abstract
    Valentino F, Sens P, Lemiere J, Allard A, Betz T, Campillo C, Sykes C. Fluctuations of a membrane nanotube revealed by high-resolution force measurements. Soft Matter 2016;12: 9429-9435. Abstract


    Garate F, Betz T, Pertusa M, Bernal R. Time-resolved neurite mechanics by thermal fluctuation assessments. Phys Biol 2015;12: 066020. Abstract