Arbeitsgruppe Geometrie, Topologie und Gruppentheorie

Mathematisches Institut, Universität Münster

© AG Kramer

Deutsch English
Tea cup

Tee-Seminar der AG Kramer

Zeit und Ort:

Semester: WS 2018/19
Zeit: Di 10:30 - 11:30
Ort: SR 4


Mitglieder der Arbeitsgruppe und Gäste tragen über ihre laufenden Forschungsarbeiten vor, oder über Themen, die uns interessieren. Vor dem Seminar (ab 10:00) gibt es in Zimmer 301b Tee.


24.10.18 Jonas Flechsig (Münster), The automorphism group of the universal Coxeter group

Abstract: Coxeter groups are groups with 'nice and symmetric' presentations. In my talk we want to study the automorphism group of a Coxeter group which is isomorphic to a free product Z2*...*Z2. In the first part of the talk we will look at algebraic properties of the automorphism group. In particular we'll give an embedding into another automorphism group and we will study representations. The second part will focus on geometric properties – more precisely fixed point properties – of the automorphism group. We will investigate the question whether 'nice' actions on trees and CAT(0) spaces have a fixed point.

6.11.18 Olga Varghese (Münster), Homomorphismen von lokal kompakten Gruppen zu "meinen Lieblingsgruppen"

4.12.18 Anthony Genevois (Paris-Sud), Automorphisms of graph products of groups from quasi-median geometry

Abstract: In this talk, I will associate to any graph product of groups a specific geometric model, namely a quasi-median graph, and I will explain how it can be used to deduce some information on the automorphism group of the corresponding graph product. This a joint work with Alexandre Martin.

Zuletzt geändert: 19.11.18, 13:22:15