Arbeitsgruppe Geometrie, Topologie und Gruppentheorie

Mathematisches Institut, Universität Münster

© AG Kramer

Deutsch English
Tea cup

Tee-Seminar der AG Kramer

Zeit und Ort:

Semester: SS 2017
Zeit: Di 10:30 - 11:30
Ort: SR1 A


Mitglieder der Arbeitsgruppe und Gäste tragen über ihre laufenden Forschungsarbeiten vor, oder über Themen, die uns interessieren. Vor dem Seminar (ab 10:00) gibt es in Zimmer 301b Tee.


23.05.17 Robin Loose (Münster), Hyperbolic groups and aspherical manifolds

Abstract :

The first part of the talk will be devoted to a short introduction to Poincaré-duality, in particular to Poincaré-duality groups. After all necessary notions were explained, I would like to discuss the following central question.

Question ([Wal79]) : Is every Poincaré-duality group the fundamental group of a closed aspherical manifold ?

In the second part, I would like to concentrate on the class of hyperbolic groups and mention basic tools as the Rips-complex, the Gromov-boundary and their interplay. The further goal is to explain why hyperbolic groups are suited to attack the above question and to present partial answers.

References: [Wal79] C. T. C. Wall, editor. Homological group theory, volume 36 of London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge-New York, 1979.

13.06.17 Nils Leder (Münster), The Normal Form for Graph Products of Groups

Abstract :

Given a graph Γ = (V, E) and a collection of vertex groups G Γ = (G v ) v∈V the graph product W (Γ, G Γ ) is a group containing the G v as subgroups such that any edge e = {v, w} ∈ E defines a commutator relation for all elements in the vertex group G v with all elements in G w .
Thereby, the graph product construction generalizes free and direct products in a natural way. The class of graph products includes interesting families of groups, e.g. right angled Artin groups.

In this talk, we first introduce the concept of graph products and consider some of their subgroup properties. For example, full subgraphs of the defining graph Γ yield subgroups (which are graph products themselves) in W (Γ, G Γ ).
Then, we study the normal form for graph products which gives a criterion for deciding wether two reduced expressions in elements of the vertex groups (called letters) define the same element.

The normal form has some useful consequences, e.g. we can conclude that all reduced expressions of an element use the same set of letters. Moreover, one can understand the structure of some centralisers and characterize finite subgroups of graph products.

11.07.17 Rupert McCallum (Tübingen),

Twisted Poincaré Series and Zeta Functions of Finite Quotients of Buildings

Abstract :

In this talk I shall be describing results obtained from a joint research project with Ming-hsuan Kang of Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan, and a conjecture that we have formulated which generalizes the results obtained so far.

Suppose that G=SL_2(F) for some non-archimedean local field F, and that Γ is a discrete torsion-free co-compact subgroup of G. Ihara showed how to associate a complex power series called the Ihara zeta function with any such Γ. It can be thought of as revealing combinatorial information about the quotient of the Bruhat-Tits tree of G by the action of Γ, which is a finite graph. Later this was generalized and a notion of Ihara zeta function was formulated for arbitrary finite graphs.

In the case just mentioned where G=SL_2(F), it can be shown that there is a relationship between the Ihara zeta function and an alternating product of determinants of twisted Poincaré series for parabolic subgroups of the affine Weyl group of G. We shall describe how this can be generalized to split simple algebraic groups of rank two over F. This will involve formulating a generalization of the Ihara zeta function to finite simplicial complexes of dimension greater than one (the quotients of the Bruhat-Tits building of the groups in question by the action of a discrete subgroup). Then we shall state a conjecture about how this might generalize further to algebraic groups of higher rank. The results obtained for split groups of rank two have been submitted for publication but the conjecture is still open.

Zuletzt geändert: 25.10.17, 16:12:47