Dipl.-Math. Jan Essert
Mathematisches Institut
Universität Münster
Einsteinstraße 62
48149 Münster
Office: 303
Phone: +49 (251) 83 33725
Fax: +49 (251) 83 33712
Email: jan [at] essert.name
Research interests
Buildings, classical groups, combinatorial geometry, K-Theory, lattices in locally compact groups, geometric group theory
PhD project
Homological stability of classical groups, Wagoner complexes and their applications, lattices in buildings
Advisors: Linus Kramer and Benson Farb
Publications and preprints
Jan Essert, A geometric construction of panel-regular lattices in buildings of types ~A2 and ~C2, Preprint, arXiv:0908.2713
Jan Essert, Homological stability for classical groups, Preprint, arXiv:0905.0071
Jan Essert, On Wagoner complexes, Preprint, arXiv:0903.1989
Jan Essert, Homological stability for certain classical groups, Diploma thesis, see local copy or arXiv:0803.4136.
06.10.2009, Panel-regular lattices in 2-dimensional affine buildings, Buildings 2009, Münster
16.06.2009, On panel-regular lattices in 2-dimensional buildings, Geometric Group Theory, Bedlewo (abstract, slides)
02.10.2008, Homological stability for unitary groups, Geometry/Topology Seminar, University of Chicago
22.01.2008, Wagoner complexes - from Tits' Lemma to group homology, Buildings: Interactions with Algebra and Geometry, Oberwolfach
15.01.2008, Wagoner-Komplexe: von Tits' Lemma zu Gruppenhomologie, Seminar Sophus Lie, Darmstadt
11.10.2007, (Generalised) Wagoner complexes and their applications, Buildings 2007, Münster
27.06.2007, Spherical buildings and their Wagoner complexes, Oberseminar Gruppen, Gebäude und Modelltheorie, Bielefeld
Other projects
solidify, a remote, caching and synchronising FUSE filesystem