Dr. Daniel Skodlerack
Mathe institut
Munster University
62 Einsteinstraße
48149 Munster
Office: 303
Phone: +49 (251) 83 33725
Fax: +49 (251) 83 33712
Email: skodlerack [at] uni-muenster.de
Ofiice hours:
Wednesdays 14:00-15:00
Areas of interest: Bruhat-Tits buildings, p-adic representation theorie, reductive groups, algebraPublications and preprints
- Daniel Skodlerack, Dissertation, Embedding Types and canonical affine Maps between Bruhat-Tits Buildings of classical Groups , HU Berlin, Supervisors: Dr. hab. P. Broussous, Prof. Dr. E.-W. Zink
- Daniel Skodlerack, Embeddings of local fields in simple algebras and simplicial structures submitted in Publications Mathematique arXiv:0903.4634
- Daniel Skodlerack, The centralizer of a classical Group and Bruhat-Tits Buildings, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 2013 (2), 62 here
- Daniel Skodlerack, On Intertwining implies Conjugacy for classical Groups, joint work with S. Stevens arXiv:1208.5140
- Daniel Skodlerack, Field Embeddings which are conjugate under a unit of a p-adic classical Group, Manuscripta Mathematica, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, here
visited Conferences and Talks
Mini-Workshop on locally analytic representations and some applications, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, June 5th - 6th 2013Colloqium in Honor to Helmut Koch's 80th Birthday HU-Berlin, 26-27.10.12
Spring school "Invariants and Moduli" Augsburg, March 14th - 19th 2010
SFB conference WWU WWU Ph.D. and postdoc projects
Topology and Groups FU-Berlin, June 2012
Seminar on GGT, WWU, 24-27.09.12
Buildings-Conference WWU, 01-03.10.12
Lecture Differential geometry I WS 2013
Seminars (some)
seminar Quadratiche Zahlringe, Thu. 14:15 - 15:45 MA 111 (SR 1C) SoSe 2013seminar Bäume WS 2013
Research seminar Geometry, group theory and topology every term
Tea seminar , Tue 10:30 - 11:30 MA 111 (SR 1C) every term
seminar Quasi-hyperbolic geometry SS 2013seminar Quasi-conformal geometry WS 2011
Further Links
Current and future conferences in geometric group theoryNumdam
Rigorous trivialities