The Clusters of Excellence of the University of Münster

The federal and state support cutting-edge research at universities through the Excellence Strategy. The funding line 'Cluster of Excellence' specifically promotes internationally competitive research fields, strengthens networking and cooperation, and sharpens the profiles of universities. The two Clusters of Excellence established by the University of Münster unites outstanding scientists from several disciplines to jointly tackle complex research questions.

The Cluster of Excellence "Mathematics Münster: Dynamics - Geometry - Structure" within the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science follows an integrative approach to address fundamental problems across different mathematical disciplines. The Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics", funded for the third time, involves some 140 researchers in the humanities and social sciences from 20 disciplines.

Researchers working with a simulation
© Uni MS - Victoria Liesche


"Mathematics Münster" tackles fundamentally important mathematical problems and views mathematics as an organic whole with countless interactions. The research comprises three major approaches: focusing on the underlying structure of a given problem, taking the geometric viewpoint and studying the relevant dynamics of group or semigroup actions.

Spokespersons: Prof Dr Thomas Nikolaus and Prof Dr Mario Ohlberger (FB 10)
Participating institutes: Institute for Analysis and Numerics, Institute for Mathematical Stochastics, Institute for Mathematical Logic and Foundations, Mathematical Institute

© Wilfried Gerharz

Religion and Politics

The Cluster of Excellence has been investigating the complex relationship between religion and politics across eras and cultures since 2007. As of 2019, some 140 researchers from 20 disciplines in the humanities and social sciences have been focusing their efforts on the “dynamics of tradition and innovation”. In the context of transepochal studies ranging from antiquity to the present day, they analyse the conditions and factors that make religion an engine of political and social change, with particular focus on the paradox that religions often develop their innovative potential precisely by drawing on their traditions.

Spokepersons: Prof Dr Michael Seewald (FB 2) and Prof Dr Ines Michalowski (FB 6)
Participating disciplines: history, law, political studies, sociology of religion, religious studies, Catholic, Protestant, orthodox and Islamic theology, classical and modern philology, philosophy, art history, Arabic studies, ethnology, ancient Middle Eastern studies, archaeology, Egyptology, Jewish studies, Byzantine studies, musicology and book studies of the University of Münster

Completed Clusters of Excellence

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© Uni MS - Peter Leßmann

Cells in Motion

After the Cluster of Excellence “Cells in Motion” concluded in 2019, the University of Münster established the research facility “Cells in Motion (CiM) Interfaculty Centre” to continue the advances achieved in this field of study.