© Springer VS

Knowledge transfer in sports education

In the summer of 2022, the 35th annual conference of the Sport Pedagogy Section of the German Association for Sport Science took place at the Institute of Sport Science in Münster. The event addressed the question of the extent to which knowledge transfer is a central topic in sports education. Based on selected conference contributions, an anthology on this topic has now been published in the “Education and Sport” series by the Center for Educational Research in Sport (CeBiS). In a total of 17 contributions, the authors present the basics, topics and formats of sports education knowledge transfer.

© Pixabay

Pro-Talent Scholarships

For the winter semester 2024/25, Pro Talent scholarships will be awarded at our department for students from the first and higher semesters. The scholarships are paid out with 300 euros per month as part of ProTalent, the university's Deutschlandstipendium. You can apply from 10.06 to 01.07.2024 (cut-off date) here.

© Schaper (SSB Dortmund)

Education needs movement

For the seventh time, the City Sports Association and the School Department of the City of Dortmund organized a symposium on the topic of 'education needs movement'. Around 280 professionals discussed the communal interaction in the educational triangle of daycare centers, schools and sports clubs in numerous workshops. Prof. Dr. Nils Neuber gave the keynote speech on the topic of “Anchoring the joy of movement and sport at an early age”. Nils Kaufmann led a workshop on promoting boys in sport.

© Barbara Halberschmidt

Essener Verbund system for competitive sports

On Friday, 17 May, Dr. Rebecca Rienhoff and Michael Wolf from the Essener Verbundsystem des Leistungssports were guests in Dr. Barbara Halberschmidt's MA seminar "Sport Psychology in Schools". They presented the "Development of dual careers in the field of tension between sport <-> school? Professional potentials of selected fields of action of elite schools of sport/NRW sports schools using the example of the Essen network system". In an interactive exchange, the students were able to ask questions about this special promotion of dual careers in the school system and gain an insight into the day-to-day processes and possible career potential. In addition, the University of Münster was presented as a partner university of elite sport.

© BSP Business & Law School - Bogdan Hinrichs

Jürgen Nitsch Prize for Theory Development goes to Dennis Dreiskämper

PD Dr Dennis Dreiskämper, Department of Sport Psychology, has been awarded the "Jürgen Nitsch Prize for Theory Development in Sport Psychology" by the Sport Psychology Section of the German Psychological Society (DGPS). The "Jürgen Nitsch Prize" is awarded every two years by the Sport Psychology Section. The prize is intended in particular to recognise contributions to theoretical development in the field of sport psychology.

© Medienlabor IfS

IfS opens the newly equipped psychomotor room

On 25 April 2024, the IfS opened the newly equipped psychomotor room as part of a moving reception.
The visitors, who were made up of Münster daycare centres, head teachers and teachers from various schools, representatives of the accident insurance fund (Unfallkasse NRW) and the LWL Berufskolleg vocational college as well as the psychomotor skills association (Verein für Mototherapie und psychomotorische Entwicklungsförderung), had the opportunity to try out psychomotor skills materials for themselves and gain different movement and sensory experiences through creative use. At the same time, ideas for collaboration could be exchanged.

© AB Sportpsychologie

Successful sports psychology conference in Berlin

The Sports Psychology department was successfully represented at this year's conference of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie (asp). The main conference took place from 9 to 11 May at the Business & Law School in Berlin. As usual, the conference was preceded by the junior researchers' conference and a post-doc workshop. The entire research area presented its own research at the poster exhibition, workshops and working groups, with the doctoral students from the research area receiving support from the Santander Mobility Fund.