GRADUATE SURVEY OF THE University of Münster
- Second survey (Panel) -

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Deutsch English
Please enter your access code: 
Please inform us first about your current situation (current employment, study, doctorate, job search or similar).
A1 Did you successfully complete another study (incl. doctorate) after graduating in winter semester 2007/08 or in summer semester 2008 at the University of Münster?
Yes, I completed a doctorate 
Yes, I completed another study 
No, I am still doing my doctorate 
No, I am still studying 
No, I quit another study/my doctorate 
No, I did not continue studying/do a doctorate 
A2 Did you continue studying/do your doctorate at the University of Münster?
A3 At which higher education institution did you continue studying/do your doctorate?
A4 Which further degree did you obtain? Which further degree do you study for?
Other degree:  
A5 Was this a teaching degree? Is this a teaching degree?
A6 When did you finish this study?
    Month of graduation
    Year of graduation
A7 If necessary, please specify your statements on this study here:
(e. g. with regards to pauses, changes of subjects, double degrees etc.)
A8 If you have any comments on this survey, you are welcome to note them here:
A9 What applies to your current situation?
Multiple answers possible
Regular job
Legal clerkship / trainee teacher
Induction year
Self-employed / freelance work
Further education
Second degree
Post-graduate studies (e.g. master degree, no doctorate)
Parental leave
Housewife, house-husband, family work
Not employed, but searching for a job
Military or civil service
Long journey
A10 When did you get your current occupation?
    Month of getting the current occupation
    Year of getting the current occupation
I am currently not employed
A11 Are you currently into more than one employment circumstances simultaneously?
Yes → Please specify below the most important employment circumstance for you. 
A12 Which profession are you currently practicing?
Please enter if possible the exact description of your current professional occupation, ex. professional school teacher, civil engineer, Software developer, Junior lawyer, or other.
  Job description
A13 At which position do you work?
Please state your position as precisely as possible, e.g. company manager, proprietor of a business, qualified administrator, department manager etc.
  Position of current employment
A14 In addition to the statement you gave above, we would like to ask you to rank your position in the following order
Please choose the category that fits closest to your position
Academically qualified employee with a moderate management function (e.g. project manager) 
Academically qualified employee without management function 
Qualified employee 
Ordinary employee (e.g. salesperson / secretary) 
Self-employed / Freelancer
Self-employed with incentive type contract 
Public servant
Public servant in higher level 
Public servant in upper level 
Public servant in lower / middle level 
Public servant on limited appointment 
Research assistant 
Intern during practical year 
A15 What is currently your main area of activities?
Enter, if possible, the exact description of your main area of activities, ex. research, sales, teaching or other.
Main area of activities
A16 Which working tasks do you fulfil in your field of business activties
Please describe your working tasks briefly, e.g. Lehren an der Hochschule, Entwicklung eines Marketingkonzepts, psychologische Beratung, Entwicklung von Fahrzeugteilen o. Ä.
Working tasks
A17 In which field of industry or sector are you currently active?
Choose, if possible, the accurate description of enter an exact description, ex. automobile industry, elementary school, hospital, consulting or other.
  Other field of industry / sector
A18 In which sector are you currently active?
(Private)economical field (including self-employed, freelance and Honorartätigkeiten) 
Public area (ex. public service / public administration) 
Organization withour profit (associations, organizations, churches) 
A19 For which reasons are you self-employed?
Multiple answers possible
I can implement my ideas/ utilize my skills better
Self employment and freelance activities offer me better financial prospects
Self employment and freelance activities are easy to arrange with other duties (ex. family)
There is a family tradition with freelance activities
Self employment and freelance activities are common in my sector (z. B. 'catalog profession' such as lawyer or architect)
Lack of other professional alternatives
I wouldn't like to work as an employee
A20 What type of contract do have in your current employment?
Unlimited term 
Fixed term 
A21 As a rule, how many hours do you work per week?
  Working hours by contract (in hours)
  Actual working hours (in hours)
A22 What is your current gross income (incl. special payments and overtime)?
A23 Where are you currently employed?
In Germany → Please enter the post code:  
If the postcode is not known, please enter the name of the place:
In another country → Please enter the name of the country::  
A24 Did your employment include a starting training phase?
Multiple answers possible
Yes, trainings or courses with a duration of in total: Months
Yes, a training period (informal learning, training on the Job etc.) with a duration of
in total: Months
A25 Do you have direct or indirect functions as a superior?
Yes, I am the superior of employees  
A26 How many employees work in your company/organisation?
In total  At your location   
1 to 9
10 to 49
50 to 99
100 to 249
250 to 999
1000 or more employees
A27 In which areal range is your company/business or your organization active?
In local range 
In regional range 
In national range 
In international range 
A28 When did you start your study?
    Month of the beginning of the study
    Year of the beginning of the study
A29 Which type of degree are you aiming at?
A30 In which field of study/ course of study are you studying?
Please click on the given place, in order to choose your field of study/ course of study. Please take into account the major and minor fields.
field of study/ course of study
Please choose your field of study from the list given below or enter the field where necessary.
Where necessary, enter another field
Further field of study/ course of study
Please choose your field of study from the list given below or enter the field where necessary.
Where necessary, enter another field
Further field of study/ course of study
Please choose your field of study from the list given below or enter the field where necessary.
Where necessary, enter another field
Further field of study/ course of study
Please choose your field of study from the list given below or enter the field where necessary.
Where necessary, enter another field
A31 Is this course of study a teaching training?
A32 At which higher education institution are you currently studying?
University of Münster
Other higher education institution:
A33 In case this higher education institution is abroad: Please mane the country..
A34 Have you changed higher education institution during your study?
Exclude semesters abroad etc.
A35 When do you expect to finish this study?
    Month of the expected end of current the study
    Year of the expected end of the current study
I do not know yet
A36 If necessary, please fill in your information about this study here.
(ex. regarding intermissions, change of field, double degrees etc.)
A37 When did you decide to pursue a PhD?
  Year of the decision for pursuing a PhD
A38 When did you seriously start working on your dissertation?
    Month of starting the PhD
    Year of starting the PhD
A39 In which higher education institution are you currently doing your PhD?
University of Münster
Other higher education institution:
A40 In case this higher education institution is abroad: Please mane the country.
A41 Have you changed higher education institution while doing your PhD?
Exclude semesters abroad etc.
A42 In which field are you making your PhD?
Please click on the given place in order to choose your field.
Please choose your field or PhD from the list given below or enter the field where required.
Where required, enter another field
A43 When do you expect to finish this dissertation?
    Month of the expected end
    Year of the expected end
I do not know yet
A44 If necessary, please fill in your information about this PhD here.
(ex. regarding intermissions, change of field, double degrees etc.)
A45 When did you start searching?
    Month of the beginning of the search
    Year of the beginning of the search
A46 How do you try to find a job?
Multiple answers possible
Application on advertised positions (ex. newspaper, Internet, announcement displayed on a board)
Independent contact with the employer (Blind application/speculative application)
Career fair
I was approached by an employer
Through internships during the study
Through internships after the study
Through (side) jobs during the study
Through (side) jobs after the study
Application for teacher/legal clerkship
Through the employment agency/the federal employment agency
Through web-based networks (ex. XING)
Through private job agencies
Through the career service of the university or similar.
Through teaching staff at the university
Through student or graduate jobs
With the help of friends, acquaintances or classmates
With the help of the parents or relatives
A47 How many employers have you contacted (applications or similar)?
  Number of the contacted employers
B1 To what extent are the following skills / competencies required in your current employment?
To a very high extent Not at all  
1 2 3 4 5  
Command of your study field or discipline 
Ability to develop new ideas and solutions 
Ability to assert your authority 
Ability to adapt to changing conditions 
Ability to write reports, memos or documents 
Ability to apply scientific methods 
Ability to think and act economically 
Ability to mobilise the capacities of others 
Ability to think inter-disciplinary 
Analytical thinking  
Ability to write and speak in a foreign language 
Willingness to question your own and others’ ideas 
Ability to work efficiently towards a goal 
Ability to recognise and close own knowledge gaps 
Ability to organise yourself and your work processes efficiently 
Ability to work productively with others 
Ability to perform well under pressure 
Ability to work in intercultural contexts 
Ability to present products, ideas or reports to an audience 
B1L According to your experience, to what extent are you asked to fulfill the following requirements of the teaching profession?
To a very
at all
1 2 3 4 5  
Obtain, screen and generate teaching materials 
To design the lessons in a variety of methods 
To structure the content of the lessons in such a way, that the coherence between the class hours is visible 
To design a target-oriented lesson 
To use the mistakes of the pupils in benefit of their learning process 
To analyze mistakes of the pupils 
To motivate pupils for learning 
To encourage independent studying of the pupils 
To motivate pupils to reflect upon their own learning processes 
To design individual learning offers and support 
To use culturally related differences for the learning of the students 
To incorporate learning influences from the social background of the pupils 
To convey values and norms of society 
To convey constructive conflict resolution strategies 
To provide rules for a social cooperation of the pupils 
To prevent undesired conflicts through corresponding concepts of the lesson 
To properly encounter conflicts in the lesson 
To inhibit interruptions in the lesson 
To be a contact person for the pupils 
To give parents advice regarding their children 
To interfere supportively in case of family problems of the pupils 
To diagnose specific learning prerequisites 
To diagnose current learning levels of the pupils 
To give the pupils feedback that promotes the development 
To properly evaluate school performances 
To create performance requirements oriented towards the curriculum 
To balance the use of different forms of performance evaluation against each other 
To know the legal principles of the school and the lesson 
To implement bureaucratic input regarding administration and documentation 
To plan, organise and structure everyday life at school 
To manage school tasks effectively and strength sparing 
To accomplish individual balance for workload through the teaching profession 
To foster cooperation and interchange with colleagues 
To contribute constructively to conferences, work groups and meetings 
To plan and carry out school projects and events outside normal lessons 
To engage with ideas, concepts and commitment in school organisation 
To use different forms of internal evaluation for the school development 
To use the results of the evaluation of your own lesson 
To reflect on processes in school and your own activities 
To detect own necessity on advanced training and realise it 
To update your own knowledge of the studied scientific disciplines 
To profoundly participate in discussions about the studied scientific disciplines 
To incorporate new scientific cognitions in the curriculum 
To communicate fun regarding own scientific disciplines/school subjects 
To use methods of scientific disciplines for the planning of the lesson 
To apply methods of scientific disciplines suitable for the target audience 
To structure in a clear way subject contents over the course of several school years with the help of the curriculum 
To select learning content concerning your current filed specific relevance 
To use didactic reduction for teaching of scientific content 
B1M To what extent are the following medical competencies required in your current employment?
To a very high extent Not at all  
1 2 3 4 5  
Basic knowledge about body functions and mental-emotional features of humans 
Basic knowledge about diseases and ill humans 
Practical experience in dealing with patients 
General knowledge, abilities and skills in creating an anamnesis 
General knowledge, abilities and skills in clinical examination methods 
General knowledge, abilities and skills in basic laboratory methods 
General knowledge, abilities and skills in basic equipment-aided diagnosis 
General knowledge, abilities and skills regarding differential diagnosis 
General abilities: indications for conservative therapy of common diseases 
General abilities: indications for surgical therapy of common diseases 
General abilities for conservative individual planning of therapy of common diseases 
General ability to create therapy plans based on guide lines 
General knowledge and abilities of medical negotiation in various situations 
Knowledge of factors that could affect the doctor-patient relationship 
General knowledge and abilities to include patients in the dialogue 
Preparing existing patient info for consultation requests and formulating consultation questions  
Ability to communicate effectively with all members of the medical team about the treatment of patients and the assistance of relatives 
Ability to guide/lead a station/practice team 
Basic knowledge about the influences of family, society and environment on health 
Basic knowledge about the influences of family, society and environment on dealing with disease effects 
Knowledge in health promotion 
Knowledge in prevention and rehabilitation 
Abilities for counselling patients on general health promotion 
Abilities for counselling patients on prevention and rehabilitation 
Basic knowledge about possibilities of medical quality management (quality management cycle) 
Ability to participate in medical quality management and deducing suitable means for own actions  
Basic knowledge about the organisation of the health system and placement of own job therein 
Knowledge about the basic principles of health economics 
Ability to critically assess health economic aspects of pharmaceutical therapy 
Knowledge about the medical ethos 
Ability to deal the value systems of patients 
Ability to include patients in therapeutic decision making 
Knowledge about possibilities to influence the health system on various levels in order to assert the medical ethos 
Ability to help and counsel chronically and terminally ill as well as moribund persons 
Ability to keep knowledge up-to-date 
Ability to adjust knowledge to particular requirements 
Ability to assess and choose further education offers for own use 
Ability to help other with training 
Ability to assess medical information in the layman's press 
Ability to assess methodological and ethical aspects of a survey with regard to the decision about participating 
Ability to conduct independently theoretical or clinical research 
Knowledge and abilities about strategies for stress prevention 
Knowledge and abilities about strategies for time management 
Ability to openly deal with self-induced mistakes 
B2 To what extent do you currently have the following skills / competences?
To a very high extent Not at all  
1 2 3 4 5  
Command of your study field or discipline 
Ability to develop new ideas and solutions 
Ability to assert your authority 
Ability to adapt to changing conditions 
Ability to write reports, memos or documents 
Ability to apply scientific methods 
Ability to think and act economically 
Ability to mobilize the capacities of others 
Ability to think interdisciplinary 
Analytical thinking  
Ability to write and speak in a foreign language 
Willingness to question your own and others’ ideas 
Ability to work efficiently towards a goal 
Ability to recognize and close own knowledge gaps 
Ability to organize yourself and your work processes efficiently 
Ability to work productively with others 
Ability to perform well under pressure 
Ability to work in intercultural contexts 
Ability to present products, ideas or reports to an audience 
B2L According to your experience, to what extent are you currently able to fulfill the following requirements of the teaching profession?
To a
high extent
at all
1 2 3 4 5  
Obtain, screen and generate teaching materials 
To design the lessons in a variety of methods 
To structure the content of the lessons in such a way, that the coherence between the class hours is visible 
To design a target-oriented lesson 
To use the mistakes of the pupils in benefit of their learning process 
To analyze mistakes of the pupils 
To motivate pupils for learning 
To encourage independent studying of the pupils 
To motivate pupils to reflect upon their own learning processes 
To design individual learning offers and support 
To use culturally related differences for the learning of the students 
To incorporate learning influences from the social background of the pupils 
To convey values and norms of society 
To convey constructive conflict resolution strategies 
To provide rules for a social cooperation of the pupils 
To prevent undesired conflicts through corresponding concepts of the lesson 
To properly encounter conflicts in the lesson 
To inhibit interruptions in the lesson 
To be a contact person for the pupils 
To give parents advice regarding their children 
To interfere supportively in case of family problems of the pupils 
To diagnose specific learning prerequisites 
To diagnose current learning levels of the pupils 
To give the pupils feedback that promotes the development 
To properly evaluate school performances 
To create performance requirements oriented towards the curriculum 
To balance the use of different forms of performance evaluation against each other 
To know the legal principles of the school and the lesson 
To implement bureaucratic input regarding administration and documentation 
To plan, organise and structure everyday life at school 
To manage school tasks effectively and strength sparing 
To accomplish individual balance for workload through the teaching profession 
To foster cooperation and interchange with colleagues 
To contribute constructively to conferences, work groups and meetings 
To plan and carry out school projects and events outside normal lessons 
To engage with ideas, concepts and commitment in school organisation 
To use different forms of internal evaluation for the school development 
To use the results of the evaluation of your own lesson 
To reflect on processes in school and your own activities 
To detect own necessity on advanced training and realise it 
To update your own knowledge of the studied scientific disciplines 
To profoundly participate in discussions about the studied scientific disciplines 
To incorporate new scientific cognitions in the curriculum 
To communicate fun regarding own scientific disciplines/school subjects 
To use methods of scientific disciplines for the planning of the lesson 
To apply methods of scientific disciplines suitable for the target audience 
To structure in a clear way subject contents over the course of several school years with the help of the curriculum 
To select learning content concerning your current filed specific relevance 
To use didactic reduction for teaching of scientific content 
B2M To what extent do you possess the following medical competencies?
To a very high extent Not at all  
1 2 3 4 5  
Basic knowledge about body functions and mental-emotional features of humans 
Basic knowledge about diseases and ill humans 
Practical experience in dealing with patients 
General knowledge, abilities and skills in creating an anamnesis 
General knowledge, abilities and skills in clinical examination methods 
General knowledge, abilities and skills in basic laboratory methods 
General knowledge, abilities and skills in basic equipment-aided diagnosis 
General knowledge, abilities and skills regarding differential diagnosis 
General abilities: indications for conservative therapy of common diseases 
General abilities: indications for surgical therapy of common diseases 
General abilities for conservative individual planning of therapy of common diseases 
General ability to create therapy plans based on guide lines 
General knowledge and abilities of medical negotiation in various situations 
Knowledge of factors that could affect the doctor-patient relationship 
General knowledge and abilities to include patients in the dialogue 
Preparing existing patient info for consultation requests and formulating consultation questions  
Ability to communicate effectively with all members of the medical team about the treatment of patients and the assistance of relatives 
Ability to guide/lead a station/practice team 
Basic knowledge about the influences of family, society and environment on health 
Basic knowledge about the influences of family, society and environment on dealing with disease effects 
Knowledge in health promotion 
Knowledge in prevention and rehabilitation 
Abilities for counselling patients on general health promotion 
Abilities for counselling patients on prevention and rehabilitation 
Basic knowledge about possibilities of medical quality management (quality management cycle) 
Ability to participate in medical quality management and deducing suitable means for own actions  
Basic knowledge about the organisation of the health system and placement of own job therein 
Knowledge about the basic principles of health economics 
Ability to critically assess health economic aspects of pharmaceutical therapy 
Knowledge about the medical ethos 
Ability to deal the value systems of patients 
Ability to include patients in therapeutic decision making 
Knowledge about possibilities to influence the health system on various levels in order to assert the medical ethos 
Ability to help and counsel chronically and terminally ill as well as moribund persons 
Ability to keep knowledge up-to-date 
Ability to adjust knowledge to particular requirements 
Ability to assess and choose further education offers for own use 
Ability to help other with training 
Ability to assess medical information in the layman's press 
Ability to assess methodological and ethical aspects of a survey with regard to the decision about participating 
Ability to conduct independently theoretical or clinical research 
Knowledge and abilities about strategies for stress prevention 
Knowledge and abilities about strategies for time management 
Ability to openly deal with self-induced mistakes 
In the following a reference to "study" stands for any study experience that you have made so far.
C1 If you consider in total your current professional tasks: To what extent are the knowledge and skills you acquired during study utilized in your current job?
To a very high extent Not at all  
1 2 3 4 5  
C2 In your opinion, what field of study is most appropriate for your current job?
Exclusively own field 
Own or a related field 
A completely different field 
No particular field 
C3 In your opinion, which academic degree is best suited for your current job?
A higher academic degree 
My academic degree 
A lower academic degree 
No academic degree necessary 
C4 Considering all aspects of your employment situation (status, position, salary, work tasks etc.) , how appropriate is your current employment to your course of study?
To a very high extent Not at all  
1 2 3 4 5  
C5 If you consider your job situation as not very appropriate or without great content relation to your course of study, why did you choose this job?
Multiple answers possible
Not applicable, my job is closely related to my course of study
My current job is only a temporary stepping stone, I am still searching for professional orientation
I have not found an appropriate job (yet)
I receive a higher salary in my current job
My current job offers more security
My interests have changed
My current job allows a flexible time schedule
My current job allows me to work in a favoured geographical place
My current job allows me to take into consideration the interests of my family/children
C6 How significant are the following aspects of the profession to you personally?
Very important Not important at all  
1 2 3 4 5  
Extensive independent working planning 
Opportunity for scientific work 
Clear and regular job assignments 
Opportunity of using the acquired competences 
Work place security 
Social attention and appreciation 
Opportunity to implement one's own ideas 
Good working atmosphere  
Opportunity for further professional qualification 
High income 
Opportunity for social influence 
To have a job that challenges me 
Good opportunity for advancement 
Acquisition of coordination and efficiency assignments 
Opportunity to do something good for society 
Good opportunity to match family tasks with work 
Enough time for leisure activities 
Interesting work content 
Opportunity to help other people 
C7 To what extent do the following aspects apply to your current job situation?
To a very high extent Not
at all
1 2 3 4 5  
Extensive independent working planning 
Opportunity for scientific work 
Clear and regular job assignments 
Opportunity of using the acquired competences 
Work place security 
Social attention and appreciation 
Opportunity to implement one's own ideas 
Good working atmosphere  
Opportunity for further professional qualification 
High income 
Opportunity for social influence 
To have a job that challenges me 
Good opportunity for advancement 
Acquisition of coordination and efficiency assignments 
Opportunity to do something good for society 
Good opportunity to match family tasks with work 
Enough time for leisure activities 
Interesting work content 
Opportunity to help other people 
C8 To what extent are you satisfied with the following aspects of your job situation?
1 2 3 4 5  
Achieved professional position 
Possibilities for professional development 
Current income 
Current working tasks 
C9 How satisfied are you with your current job situation?
Very satisfied Very dissatisfied  
1 2 3 4 5  
C10 Considering all aspects of your job, how appropriate is your current employment situation to the expectations you had ...
Much better than expected Much worse than expected Not applicable, I had no expectations  
1 2 3 4 5 6  
...when you began your study? 
...when you finished your study? 
C11 How long does an average higher education graduate with relevant technical background need in order to become an expert in this type of occupation?
6 months or less 
7 to 12 months 
1 to 2 years  
3 to 5 years 
6 to 10 years 
more than 10 years 
C12 How would you describe the innovation rate of development and applications in your company/in your organization regarding the following aspects?
at all
I can not evaluate  
1 2 3 4 5 6  
Rate of innovation in the field of products or services 
Rate of innovation in the field of technologies, tools or instruments 
Rate of innovation in the field of knowledge or methods 
C13 To what extent do you participate in the development and application of innovations?
To a very high extent Not
at all
1 2 3 4 5  
Innovations in the field of products or services 
Innovations in the field of technologies, tools or instruments 
Innovations in the field of knowledge or methods 
Please inform us now about the characteristics of your further education and employment after your graduation from University of Münster (in winter semester 2007/08 or in summer semester 2008):

- When did you take up your first employment? Did you change employment since then?
- Did you begin another study or a doctorate?
- Where there any longer phases of searching or did you take a time off?

Please give us some information on the period after your graduation. Therefore, please state on this and the following pages in which activity you engaged in each case and how long it lasts /lasted. For every episode there is an own page, irrespective of being parallel or consecutive activities.
D1 Did you have another period of employment/ unemployment?
The statements you made on your current situation have already been saved.
Employment (employed, self-employed, civil servant or similar) 
Job search 
Traineeship or other longer periods of professional training 
Other (Child-rearing, longer journey, illness or similar) 
No further period 
D2 Did you have another period of employment/ unemployment?
The statements you made on your current situation have already been saved.
Employment (employed, self-employed, civil servant or similar) 
Job search 
Traineeship or other longer periods of professional training 
Other (Child-rearing, longer journey, illness or similar) 
No further period 
D3 Did you have another period of employment/ unemployment?
The statements you made on your current situation have already been saved.
Employment (employed, self-employed, civil servant or similar) 
Job search 
Traineeship or other longer periods of professional training 
Other (Child-rearing, longer journey, illness or similar) 
No further period 
D4 Did you have another period of employment/ unemployment?
The statements you made on your current situation have already been saved.
Employment (employed, self-employed, civil servant or similar) 
Job search 
Traineeship or other longer periods of professional training 
Other (Child-rearing, longer journey, illness or similar) 
No further period 
D5 Did you have another period of employment/ unemployment?
The statements you made on your current situation have already been saved.
Employment (employed, self-employed, civil servant or similar) 
Job search 
Traineeship or other longer periods of professional training 
Other (Child-rearing, longer journey, illness or similar) 
No further period 
D6 Did you have another period of employment/ unemployment?
The statements you made on your current situation have already been saved.
Employment (employed, self-employed, civil servant or similar) 
Job search 
Traineeship or other longer periods of professional training 
Other (Child-rearing, longer journey, illness or similar) 
No further period 
D7 Did you have another period of employment/ unemployment?
The statements you made on your current situation have already been saved.
Employment (employed, self-employed, civil servant or similar) 
Job search 
Traineeship or other longer periods of professional training 
Other (Child-rearing, longer journey, illness or similar) 
No further period 
D8 Did you have another period of employment/ unemployment?
The statements you made on your current situation have already been saved.
Employment (employed, self-employed, civil servant or similar) 
Job search 
Traineeship or other longer periods of professional training 
Other (Child-rearing, longer journey, illness or similar) 
No further period 
D9 To what extent do the following statements on the economic crisis 2008/2009 apply to your job situation
Strongly agree Strongly disagree  
1 2 3 4 5  
The economic crisis made my carreer entry difficult 
I was afraid to lose my job due to the economic crisis 
My chances on a promotion were confined due to the economic crisis 
There were dismissals in my company/organisation that were justified with the economic crisis 
During the economic crisis I was on short-time work 
During the economic crisis I did less over time 
I lost my job due to the economic crisis 
In retrospective I do not see any negative effects of the economic crisis on my job situation 
E Advanced Training
Please inform us about your professional advanced training (courses, workshops or similar) after your graduation in winter semester 2007/08 or summer semester 2008

This does not include further studies, doctorates or longer periods of professional training (traineeship, specialist training or the like), that you have already stated in Part D.
E1 Did you attend any advanced training activities after your graduation (courses, workshops or similar)?
Yes → how many?  
E2 Which contents were conveyed to you by the advanced training you attended?
Multiple answers possible
New knowledge in my field
Interdisciplinary knowledge of different fields
Methodological competencies
Manual skills
Foreign language skills
Computer skills
Social, political or philospocial contents
Economic knowledge
Management/Leading skills
Knowledge about laws
Competencies in verbal and writing skills (also presentations skills)
Handling of costumers/clients
Conflict management
E3 Please enter the three most important advanced trainings and their duration.
More than 40
    1 2 3
1. advanced training: Duration:
2. advanced training: Duration:
3. advanced training: Duration:
The following questions E4 to E7 refer to all shorter advanced learning activities that you attended since your graduation in winter semester 2007/08 or summer semester 2008.
E4 Who was the provided of the advanced training you attended?
Multiple answers possible
A higher education institution:
E5 Who paid the costs for the advanced training (Fees, travelling expenses)
No costs incurred 
Mainly my employer 
Mainly myself 
E6 Was it possible for you to attend advanced training during your regular working hours?
Yes, completely during regular working hours 
Yes, partly during regular working hours 
No, completely outside regular working hours 
Not applicable, I was not (dependently) employed 
E7 To what extent did the advanced training activities help you...
To a very
high extent
Not at all  
1 2 3 4 5 find an employment? stay up to date regarding the requirements of my work? amplify the limits of activities (e. g. more interesting tasks)? improve your status (e. g. promotion, higher salary)? cope with the requirements of other areas of life than profession and work? 
E8 Why did you not take part in any advanced training acitivities?
E9 For which contents do you see a need for advanced training activities?
E10 To what extent do you see a need to extend your qualifications through advanced training?
To a very
high extent
Not at all  
1 2 3 4 5  
E11 How do you keep up to date regarding current offers for advanced training?
Multiple answers possible
My employer informs me about offers for advanced training
Through the information provided by the higher education institutions (newsletter, homepages, information of the advanced training department or similar)
Through the information provided by professional associations, trade associations, adult education centre. (Newsletter, homepages or similar)
In professional journals
Not applicable, I am not keeping up to date regarding offers of advanced teaching
E12 Which type of advanced training would be easiest for you to attend?
Multiple answers possible
Appointments during regular working hours
Appointments in the evening
Appointments at the weekend
Appointments in bloc seminars
Distance learning course
Other type of appointment:
E13 How often did you read professional journals in the past twelve months?
At least once a week 
Approximately every three months 
E14 According to your experience, what should higher education institutions offer in the framework of advanced scientific training?
If you started a business after graduation (individual enterprise, non-incorporated firm, corporate entity, cooperative society, association or similar), please give us information about this.
F1 During your study, did you form start one or more business?
Yes → How many?  
If you started more than one business during or after your study, in the following, please refer to the most important business.
F2 When did you start the (most important) business?
    Month of business start-up
    Year of business start-up
F3 Where did you start your business?
In Germany → Please enter the postcode:  
If the postcode is not known, please enter the name of the place:
In another country → Please enter the name of the country:  
F4 Which legal status has/had your business?
Individual enterprise 
Non-incorporated firm (BGB, consolidated company, ordinary partnership, limited partnership) 
Corporate Entity (limited company, public company) 
Cooperative Society/Association 
F5 In which branch did you start your business?
Please choose the appropriate description, if possible, or enter the precise description, e.g. automobile industry, retail trade, business consultancy or similar
  Other branch
F6 To what extent is/was the business based on...
To a very high extent Not at all  
1 2 3 4 5  
...your higher education? 
...your research results? 
F7 Was the business start-up based on patent or copy right?
F8 How much seed capital was needed?
Less than 5.000 euros 
5.000 to 15.000 euros 
15.001 to 50.000 euros 
50.001 to 100.000 euros 
100.001 to 250.000 euros 
250.001 to 500.000 euros 
More than 500.000 euros 
F9 Which sources of funding did you use for your start capital?
Multiple answers possible
Own funding
Friends or colleagues
Venture capitalist
State institutions (e. g. Federal Employment Agency, KFW business development bank etc.)
"Business Angels"
Other persons or institutions
F10 Was this a spin-off from your higher education institution?
F11 Were you supported by your higher education institution when starting-up the business?
F12 How did your higher education institution support you?
Providing facilities
F13 Which higher education institutions supported you when you starting-up the business?
F14 Did the business have any other employees in the start-up phase besides you?
Yes → how many? Employees  
F15 Does the business still exist at present?
F16 Why is the busienss not existing any longer?
Please enter the main reasons in headwords.
F17 Are you still working in the business?
F18 Does the business at present have any additional employees besides you?
Yes → how many? employees  
F19 How many of the other employees do approximately have an university degree?
  Number of employees with university degree
G1 When finishing your study in the year of graduation 2008 did you live in Münster ?
No → The postcode of my place of residence is:  
If the postcode is not known, please enter the name of the place:
G2 In which regional radius did you look for a job after your graduation in the year 2008?
Multiple answers possible
In the region of the higher education institution
In the region of my place of residence at the end of my study
Interregional, but only in some selected regions
Througout Germany
Not applicable, I was not searching for a job at that time
G3 Did you change your place of residence after your graduation in the year 2008?
G4 Where did you move to after your study and when was that?
Please state the postcodes of the places, if you moved to a foreign country please state the name of the city or the country.
First change of residence
  First destination
Second change of residence
  Second destination
Third change of residence
  Third destination
Fourth change of residence
  Fourth destination
Fifth change of residence
  Fifth destination
Sixth destination
  Sixth destination
Seventh change of residence
  Seventh destination
Eighth change of residence
  Eighth destination
G5 How important were the following reasons for your first change of residence after your study?
Very important Not important at all  
1 2 3 4 5  
Possibility to take up an employment at all (including Legal clerkship / trainee teacher) 
Job situation 
My partner 
My children 
Attractiveness of the new place of residence 
Contact with friends  
Responsibility for my parents 
Solidarity to this region 
Possbility to take a up a certain studies (including doctorate) 
Other reasons:  
G6 How important were the following reasons for not moving after your study?
Very important Not important at all  
1 2 3 4 5  
Possibility to take up an employment at all (including Legal clerkship / trainee teacher) 
Job situation 
My partner 
My children 
Attractiveness of the new place of residence 
Contact with friends  
Responsibility for my parents 
Solidarity to this region 
Possbility to take a up a certain study (including doctorate) 
Other reasons:  
G7 What makes a place of residence attractive to you?
Multiple answers possible
Good traffic connections
Major city
Affordable living space
Child-friendliness (z.B. day care facilities)
Open and tolerant attitude
Language (in a foreign country)
Cultural offers
Nature, appealing surroundings
Attractive possibilities for leisure time acitivies
Availability of jobs
Appearance of the place / architecture
Availability of good higher education institutions
G8 Which types of work-related regional mobility apply to you?
Multiple answers possible
I moved due to work-related reasons
I am commuting regularly between my work place and my place of residence
Due to work-related reasons I sometimes spent the night out of town → How many nights in the last year did you spent out of town due to work-related reasons?
Nothing applies
G9 How often do you normally commute per week?
G10 How long does the way from your place of residence to your work place take you on average?
  Minutes per trip
G11 Do you see your professional mobility as...
Mehrfachnennung möglich opportunity?
...a necessity?
Now we would like to ask you to look back on your graduation in winter semester 2007/08 or summer semester 2008: How do you rate this study / this field of study in the context of your professional experience?

In case you graduated in two coequal fields of study, please refer to the field of study in which you wrote your thesis.
H1 How do you rate the following study options and conditions in your study course?
Very good Very bad  
1 2 3 4 5  
Acquisition of scientific work methods 
Teaching methods - contemporary 
Possibilities for field-oriented specialisation 
Relation to research of teaching and learning 
Subject matters (teaching contents) are up to date with regards to practical requirements 
Relationship between theory and practice 
Preparation for work  
Offers for profession-oriented courses 
Teaching staff with practical experience 
Practice-oriented teaching contents 
H2 To what extent do the following aspects apply to this study?
This study was a good basis...
To a very high extent Not at all  
1 2 3 4 5  
...for my first job after graduation fulfil my current work tasks 
...for my professional development, also independently form my field of study 
...for being able to recognise, evaluate and use my own potentials identify my need for further education 
...dafür, mich flexibel auf neue Situationen und wechselnde berufliche Herausforderungen einstellen zu können 
...for my future carreer  
...for my personal development 
...for the development of entrepreneurial skills 
H3 In retrospective, how satisfied are you with your study in general?
Very satisfied Very dissatisfied  
1 2 3 4 5  
H4 Retrospectively, if you were free to choose again, would you...
Very likely Very unlikely  
1 2 3 4 5  
...choose the same study programme? 
...choose the same higher education institution? again? 
H5 Which improvements of the education would you suggest according to your experience?
H6 What kind of contact to University of Münster (incl. faculty, department, institute) do you have?
Multiple answers possible
Newsletter or similar information
Invitations to festivities and events
Professional/scientific contact
Participation in alumni network
Information about advanced studies offers of University of Münster
Contact to teachers
Contact to other alumni
Nothing applies
Other kind of contact:
Please provide socio-biographical data to enable us to interpret your work biography as accurately as possible.
I1 What is your gender?
I2 When were you born?
  Year of birth
I3 Where do you currently live?
In Germany → Please enter the place identifier of the licence plate:  
If the postcode is not known, please enter the name of the place:
In another country → Please enter the name of the country:  
I4 What citizenship do you have?
Multiple answers possible
German citizenship
Another citizenship:
I5 Where were your parents born?
Father  Mother   
In Germany
In another country
I6 What is your current marital status?
Unmarried, without a partner 
Unmarried, with a partner 
I7 What is your partner's main activity at the moment
Self-employed / freelance work 
Unemployed, Searching for employment 
Study / doctorate 
Family, child-rearing 
I8 If appicable: What is your partner's profession at the moment?
  Profession of partner
I9 Do you have children living in your household?
Yes → how many? child(ren)  
I10 When were your children born?
  Year of birth of the first child
  Year of birth of the second child
  Year of birth of the third child
  Year of birth of the fourth child
I11 Who is normally helping you to take care of your child / children during the day?
Multiple answers possible
I take care of them myself
My partner
Day nanny, babysitter, au-pair
Nursery school, kindergarten or afternoon mentoring at school
Parents, other relatives or friends
No caretaking necessary
I12 How many hours do you (or maybe your partner) work on average during the week in your household (cleaning, cooking, childcare etc.)?
  Hours per week myself
  Hours per week my partner
I13 Have you voluntarily, during your study, been actively involved in one of the following fields? Are you currently voluntarily actively involved in one of the following fields?
During the study period  Currently   
Sports and exercise (ex. in a sports club)
Culture and Music (ex. in a theatrical or musical group, chorus etc.)
Free time and sociality (ex. in a youthgroup, seniors club etc.)
Social sector (ex. in a charity, in another aid organization, in a self-help organization etc.)
Health sector (ex. as an aide in the nursing care or in the visiting service)
School or Kindergarten sector (ex. as parent representative or in a fund raising group)
Out of-school youth employment (ex. Children groups or youth groups supervision)
Educational work for adults (ex. conduction of educational events)
Environment, nature protection or animal protection (ex. in a corresponding union oder project)
Politics and political representation of interests (ex. in a political party, in a municipal council or a city council etc.)
Professional representation of interests (ex. in a union, a professional association, a jobclub)
In ecclesiastical or religion sector (ex. in the church congregation, an ecclesiastical organization or a religion community)
In the sector of justice or criminality problems (ex. as a jury or honorary judge working with delinquents and victims)
In accident or ambulance service oder in the volunteer fire department
In the sector of other civic activities (ex. in citizens' groups or working groups)
Other, please specify
No, in none of these fields
I14 Which contact to University of Münster (incl. faculty, department, institute) would you desire?
Multiple answers possible
Newsletter or similar information
Invitation to festivities and events
Professional/scientific contact
Participation in the graduate network
Information about offers for further education of the University of Münster
Contact with the teaching staff
Contact with other graduates
None of the above
Other contact:
I15 If you would like to inform us about anything that helps us to understand your answers, please note it here:
I16 Other comments (e.g. regarding the questionnaire)
Thank you very much for participating in this survey!

When you completed another study, you possibly receive another invitation to participate in a graduate survey. Depending on when you completed this study, this may occur this year or in the next years. It would be very adjuvant, when you also participate in this survey, because the contents of these surveys differ. When you have questions to this, please address the person named under CONTACT for this purpose.

If you wish to receive a summary of the final report per e-mail you can let us know on the next page.