MSc. Seminar on probability theory/financial mathematics

Date: WS 2021/22. The exact dates will be communicated at the briefing on Thursday.
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Zakhar Kabluchko, PD Dr. Paulsen, Prof. Dr. Steffen Dereich

The Seminar on probability theory in the course overview

The Seminar on financial mathematics in the course overview

Topics: The topics will be discussed at the briefing on Thursday.
Note: There will be a joint briefing for the two Seminars on probability theory and financial mathematics. Please join the briefing on Thursday. There we will discuss the dates, topics and the division of the seminars.




The briefing for the MSc. Seminars is Thursday, 15. July 2021, at 14:00 and will be held via Zoom.

Link to the Zoom-meeting

Meeting-ID: 653 4995 2905
Password: 1324

Note: Don't forget to also enroll in the QISPOS system for the Seminar.