
Various offices coordinate and support the activities of the advisory committees at the University of Münster.
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Offices of the Rectorate Committees

The Rectorate Committee for Academic Personnel Development (RAP) and the Rectorate Committee for Research Affairs (RKF) are instated by the University Senate. The RAP addresses issues related to mentoring, the rights of associate professors (Juniorprofessuren) and working conditions in doctoral programmes. The RKF consults, among other things, on questions concerning the Excellence Initiative and guidelines for experimental studies with animals.

Birte Blut

Office of the Research Council

The Research Council is appointed by the Rectorate of the University. Its task is to advise the University management in all matters related to initiating, coordinating and financing research projects, and to provide quality assurance support with third-party funding applications. Its activities include advising academic staff and drafting recommendations for approval by the Rectorate.

Dr. Sabine Kozdon
Dr. Sarah Thieme

Office of Student Research Projects

The Rectorate of the University of Münster allocates 50,000 euros a year to support student research projects. Individual projects can receive up to 5,000 euros in funding for a maximum of 12 months. Funding is awarded on the basis of an evaluation conducted by the Rectorate Committee for Research Affairs (RKF).

Linda Dieks