


Paper (peer reviewed) - Book chapters - Contributions to conferences and workshops - Working papers and reports - Theses - Other Publications - Information material

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Paper (peer reviewed)


  • Sada R, Schmalz B, Kiesel J, Fohrer, N (2019) Projected Changes in Climate and Hydrological Regimes of the Western Siberian Lowlands. Environmental Earth Sciences 78 (2): 56 [doi: 10.1007/s12665-019-8047-0]


  • Griewald, Y (2018) The Art of the State to Intervene: Insights Into Agricultural Land Management in Russia. Ecological Economics 151: 1-9 [doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2018.04.026]
  • Kamp J, Reinhard A, Frenzel M, Kämpfer S, Trappe J, Hölzel N (2018) Farmland bird responses to land abandonment in Western Siberia. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Enviroment 268: 61-69 [doi: 10.1016/j.agee.2018.09.009]
  • Kiesel J, Pfannerstill M, Schmalz B, Khoroshavin V, Sheludkov A, Veshkurseva T, Fohrer N (2018) Modelling of hydrological processes in snowmelt-governed permafrost-free catchments of the Western Siberian Lowlands. International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology 8 (3): 289-316 [doi: 10.1504/JHST.2018.10007182]
  • Kühling I, Hüsing B, Bome N, Trautz D (2018) Soybeans in high latitudes: effects of Bradyrhizobium inoculation in Northwest Germany and southern West Siberia. Organic Agriculture 8 (2): 159-171 [doi:10.1007/s13165-017-0181-y]
  • Nguyen H, Hölzel N, Völker A, Kamp J (2018) Patterns and Determinants of Post-Soviet Cropland Abandonment in Western Siberian Grain Belt. Remote Sensing 10 (12): 1973 [doi:10.3390/rs1012973] Open Access
  • Palpurina S, Chytrı M, Hölzel N, Tichý L, Wagner V, Horsák M, Axmanová I, Hajek M, Hájková P, Freitag M, Lososová Z, Mathar W, Tzonev R, Danihelka J, Dřevojan P (2018, in press) The type of nutrient limitation affects the plant species richness–productivity relationship: evidence from dry grasslands across Eurasia. Journal of Ecology [doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13084]


  • Griewald Y, Clemens G, Kamp J, Gladun E, Hölzel N, von Dressler H (2017) Developing land use scenarios for stakeholder participation in Russia. Land Use Policy 68: 264-276 [doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.07.049]
  • Kühling I, Redozubov D, Broll G, Trautz D (2017) Impact of tillage, seeding rate and seeding depth on soil moisture and dryland spring wheat yield in Western Siberia. Soil and Tillage Research 170: 43-52 [doi:10.1016/j.still.2017.02.009]
  • Stupak N (2017) Adaptation of Russian agriculture to climatic variability: The role of federal and provincial policies. Environmental Science & Policy 68: 10–19 [doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2016.10.003]
  • Trappe J, Kunz F, Weking S, Kamp J (2017) Grassland butterfly communities of the Western Siberian forest steppe in the light of post-Soviet land abandonment. Journal of Insect Conservation 21 (5-6): 813-826 [doi: 10.1007/s10841-017-0021-0]
  • Wertebach T-M, Hölzel N, Kämpf I, Yurtaev A, Tupitsin S, Kiehl K, Kamp J, Kleinebecker T (2017) Soil carbon sequestration due to post-Soviet cropland abandonment: estimates from a large-scale soil organic carbon field inventory. Global Change Biology 23 (9): 3729-3741 [doi:10.1111/gcb.13650]


  • Wesche K, Ambarli D, Török J, Kamp J, Treiber J, Dengler J (2016) The Palaearctic steppe biome: a new synthesis. Biodiversity and Conservation 25 (12): 2197-2231 [doi: 10.1007/s10531-016-1214-7]
  • Török P, Ambarli D, Kamp J, Wesche K, Dengler K (2016) Step(pe) up! Rasing the profile of palearctic steppe grasslands. Biodiversity and Conservation 25 (12): 2187-2195 [doi: 10.1007/s10531-016-1187-6]
  • Václavíc T, Langerwisch F, Cotter M, Fick J, Häuser I, Hotes S, Kamp J, Settele J, Spangenberg J, Seppelt R (2016) Investigating potential transferability of place-based research in land system science. Environmental Research Letters 11: 095002 [doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/11/9/095002]
  • Kämpf I, Hölzel N, Kiehl K (2016) Arable weed communities in the south of Western Siberia – impoverished species pools constrain diversity despite low land-use intensity. Tuexenia 36: 249-270 [doi: 101447/2016.36.012]
  • Fleischer E, Khashimov I, Hölzel N, Klemm O (2016) Carbon exchange fluxes over peatlands in Western Siberia: Possible feedback between land-use change and climate change. Science of the Total Environment 545–546: 424–433 [doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.12.073]
  • Griewald Y (2016) Institutional economics of grain marketing in Russia: Insights from the Tyumen region. Journal of Rural Studies 47: 21-30 [doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2016.07.010]
  • Mathar W, Kämpf I, Kleinebecker T, Kuzmin I, Tolstikov A, Tupitsin S, Hölzel N (2016) Floristic diversity of meadow steppes in the Western Siberian Plain: effects of abiotic site conditions, management and landscape structure. Biodiversity & Conservation 25 (12): 2361–2379 [doi:10.1007/s10531-015-1023-4]
  • Kämpf I, Mathar W, Kuzmin I, Hölzel N, Kiehl K (2016) Post-Soviet recovery of grassland vegetation on abandoned fields in the forest steppe zone of Western Siberia. Biodiversity & Conservation (12): 2563-2580 [doi:10.1007/s10531-016-1078-x]
  • Kämpf I, Hölzel N, Störrle M, Broll G, Kiehl K (2016) Potential of temperate agricultural soils for carbon sequestration: A meta-analysis of land-use effects. Science of the Total Environment 566–567: 428–435 [doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.05.067]
  • Kühling I, Broll G, Trautz D (2016): Spatio-temporal analysis of agricultural land-use intensity across the Western Siberian grain belt. Science of the Total Environment 544: 271–280. [doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.11.129]
  • Kühling I, Redozubov D, Jeismann C, Komissarov I, Trautz D (2016) Potential of a new slow-release urea fertilizer under on-farm conditions in a semi-arid environment. International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development 7-1, 38-43 [link]
  • Schmalz B, Kruse M, Kiesel J, Müller F, Fohrer N (2016)  Water-related ecosystem services in Western Siberian lowland basins – Analysing and mapping spatial and seasonal effects on regulating services based on ecohydrological modelling results. Ecological Indicators 71: 55-65. [doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.06.050]
  • Störrle M, Hagedorn L, Yurtaev A, Brauckmann HJ, Broll G (2016) Soil structure of arable and non‐arable land in the Western Siberian Grain Belt in Russia—Application of the soil fingerprint code for topsoil characterization. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science [doi:10.1002/jpln.201500450]
  • Weking S, Kämpf I, Mathar W, Hölzel N (2016) Effects of land use and landscape patterns on Orthoptera communities in the Western Siberian forest steppe. Biodiversity and Conservation 25 (12):  2341-2359 [doi:10.1007/s10531-016-1107-9]
  • Wertebach T-M, Knorr K-H, Lordieck M, Tretiakov N, Blodau C, Hölzel N, Kleinebecker T (2016) Relationships between vegetation succession, pore water chemistry and CH₄ and CO₂ production in a transitional mire of Western Siberia (Tyumen Oblast). Wetlands 36 (5): 836-874 [doi:10.1007/s13157-016-0798-8] [free online access via Springer Nature SharedIt]


  • Störrle M,Brauckmann HJ, Broll G (2015) Livestock manure management in agroecosystems of southwestern Siberia, Russia. Geo-Öko 36: 133-154 [summary]
  • Fleischer E, Bölter J, Klemm O (2015) Summer evapotranspiration in Western Siberia: a comparison between eddy covariance and Penman method formulations. Hydrological Processes 29 (20): 4498–4513 [doi:10.1002/hyp.10517]
  • Freitag M, Mathar W, Yurtaev AA, Hölzel N (2015) Floristic composition and environmental determinants of pine forests in the hemiboreal zone of Western Siberia. Tuexenia 35: 31-51. [doi:10.14471/2015.35.017]
  • Kamp J, Oppel S, Ananin AA, Durnev ZuA, Gashev SN, Hölzel N, Mishchenko AL, Passa J, Smirenski SM, Strelnikov EG, Timonen S, Wolanska K, Chan S (2015) Global population collapse in a superabundant migratory bird and illegal trapping in China. Conservation Biology 29: 1684-1694 [doi:10.1111/cobi.12537]
  • Kühling I, Griewald Y, Broll G, Trautz D (2015) Potential of land-use intensity analysis for sustainable land management scenarios in southern West Siberia. Geo-Öko 36: 112–132 [summary]


  • Degefie DT, Fleischer E, Klemm O, Tolstikov A, Soromotin A, Soromotin O (2014): Climate Extremes in South Western Siberia: Past and Future. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 28 (8): 2161-2173 [doi:10.1007/s00477-014-0872-9]
  • Kamp J (2014) Weighing up the reuse of Soviet croplands. Nature 505: 483 [doi:10.1038/505483d]

Book chapters


  • Kiesel J, Conrad Y, Marciniak H, Sheludkov A, Abramenko K, Conrad M, Tretyakov N, Veshkurseva T, Khoroshavin V, Tolstikov A, Schmalz B, Fohrer N (2018) Water Quality in Siberian lowland catchments - Measurement campaigns and assessment. In Novel Methods and Results of Landscape Research in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia, Vol. II Understanding and Monitoring Processes in Soils and Water Bodies, edited by Mueller L and Sychev VG: 438-442. Moscow, Russia [download 798KB]


  • Liniger HP, Mekdaschi Studer R, Moll P, Zander U (2017) Making sense of research for sustainable land management. Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, Switzerland and Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research GmbH – UFZ, Leipzig, Germany [download 16,5MB, infos here] page 24: Intensification of crop production in the western Siberian forest steppe, Tyumen province, Russia


  • Kühling I, Bome N, Trautz D (2014): Relationship between soybean varieties, SPAD502 chlorophyll meter readings and rhizobia inoculation in Western Siberia. In: A. Opalko (ed): Ecological consequences of increasing crop productivity: plant breeding and biotic diversity. Apple Academic Press, New Jersey, pp. 89–96.

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Contributions to conferences and workshops


  • Kühling I, Hüsing B, Bome N, Trautz D (2017): Effekte der Saatgutimpfung im ökologischen Soja-Anbau unter den Umweltbedingungen nördlicher Breiten. 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany, 7-10/032017.
    published as: Kühling I, Hüsing B, Bome N, Trautz D (2017) Effekte der Saatgutimpfung im ökologischen Soja-Anbau unter den Umweltbedingungen nördlicher Breiten. Ökologischen Landbau weiterdenken: Verantwortung übernehmen, Vertrauen stärken. Beiträge zur 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, 54-58.
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2017): Climate smart dryland cropping systems: potential of no-till spring wheat cultivation in the Western Siberian grain belt. The 8th ICERD – International Conference on Environmental and Rural Development, Nonthaburi, Thailand, 25-26/02/2017.


  • Griewald Y, Fleischer S, von Dressler H, Clemen G, Trautz D, Kühling I, Kiehl K, Kämpf I, Hölzel N, Kamp J (2016): Developing land use scenarios for the Tyumen region in West Siberia, Russia. Final Conference 2016 LAMA „Sustainable Management – Challenges and Opportunities“. Berlin, Germany, 07-09/03/2016.
  • Kämpf I, Weking S, Hölzel N, Kiehl K (2016): Biodiversity of agroecosystems in the Western Siberian grain belt. Final Conference 2016 LAMA „Sustainable Management – Challenges and Opportunities“. Berlin, Germany, 07-09/03/2016.
  • Kiehl K, Kämpf I, Weking S, Hölzel N (2016): Biodiversity of arable and ex-arable land in Western Siberia – implications for ecosystem restoration. SER 2016 - 10th European Conference on Ecological Restoration. Freising, Germany, 21-26/08/2016. [pdf book of abstracts p. 229]
  • Kühling I, Bome N, Trautz D (2016): Effects of rhizobia inoculation at organically grown soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). The 7th ICERD – International Conference on Environmental and Rural Development. Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 16-17/01/2016.
  • Kühling I, Bome N, Trautz D (2016): Impact of rhizobia inoculation for sustainable soya cultivation in Western Siberia. VI International Conference Environment and Natural Resource Management. Tyumen-Ishim, Russian Federation, 19-23/09/2016. (Poster)
  • Kühling I, Broll G, Trautz D (2016): Spatio-temporal patterns of land-use intensity as a basis for SLM strategies. VI International Conference Environment and Natural Resource Management. Tyumen-Ishim, Russian Federation, 19-23/09/2016. (Poster)
  • Kühling I, Broll G, Trautz D (2016): Spatio-temporal patterns of land-use intensity as a basis for SLM strategies. Final Conference 2016 LAMA Sustainable Land Management. Berlin, Germany, 07-09/03/2016. (Poster)
  • Kühling I, Kämpf I, Störrle M, Mathar W, Redozubov D, Bome N, Brauckmann H-J, Kiehl K, Broll G, Trautz D (2016): Approaches for sustainable agriculture in Western Siberia: land-use history, farming practices and nutrient management. Final Conference 2016 LAMA Sustainable Land Management. Berlin, Germany, 07-09/03/2016.
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2016): Anpassungsmöglichkeiten von Weizenproduktionssystemen an den Klimawandel in Südwestsibirien: Effekte von Bodenbearbeitung und Aussaatparametern. 59. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften. Gießen, Germany, 27-29/09/2016.
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2016): Climate smart agriculture in Western Siberia – Potential of no-till in spring wheat production. 14th ESA Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, 05-09/09/2016.
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2016): Climate smart spring wheat production - potential of no-till in Tyumen region. VI International Conference Environment and Natural Resource Management. Tyumen-Ishim, Russian Federation, 19-23/09/2016.
  • Trautz D, Kühling I (2016): Sustainable Intensification, Allrussischen Konferenz für Agrarsystemtechnik der Don State Technical University (DSTU), Gelendschick, Russland, 12/09/2016.
  • Trautz D, Kühling I (2016): "Sustainable Intensification - the Future of Siberian Agriculture? VI International Conference Environment and Natural Resource Management, Tyumen, Russian Federation, 19 – 23/09/2016.
  • Trautz D, Kühling I (2016): "Sustainable Intensification -  a challenge for arid climates, JSC “S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University”, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kasachstan, 27/10/2016.


  • Fleischer E, Bartsch L, Bölter J, Khoshimov I, Latyntsev R, Tolstikov A, Klemm O (2015): Carbon balances of a cultivated and a non-used peatland in Western Siberia - What is the impact of climate and land-use change? Talk, European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 12–17/04/2015. Abstract
  • Griewald Y (2015): Agrarian institutions and the role of the state in the agro-food system of the Tyumen region, West Siberia. Talk, Agriculture and Climate Change in Transition Economies - IAMO Forum 2015, Halle (Saale), Germany, 17-19/06/2015.
  • Griewald Y (2015): Institutions and nature-related transactions in Russian farming: a case study from West Siberia. Talk, 11th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE), Leeds, UK, 30/06-04/07/2015.
  • Griewald Y (2015): Sustainable development in a regional agro-food system at the example of the Tyumen region: an institutional economics approach. Conference: Russia’s eastern vector: opportunities for a green economy in natural resource rich regions. Lake Baikal, Russia, 27/07-01/08/2015.
  • Hölzel N, Mathar M, Kämpf I, Kuzmin I, Tupitsin S, Tolstikov A, Kleinebecker T, Kiehl K (2015): Determinants of diversity in ancient and restored grasslands of the Western-Siberian forest steppe. 58th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science: Understanding broad-scale vegetation patterns, Brno, Czech Republic, 19-24/07/2015.
  • Kämpf I, Kiehl K (2015): Vegetation of arable land in Tyumen. SASCHA Annual Meeting 2015, University of Münster. Münster, Germany, 20-21/11/2015.
  • Kämpf I, Hölzel N, Störrle M, Broll G, Kiehl K (2015): Soil organic carbon in agroeco-systems of the temperate zone: a meta analysis of land-use effects. Kolloquium des Instituts für Landschaftsökologie (WWU Münster). Münster, German, 26/01/2015.
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2015): Impact of rhizobia inoculation for sustainable soy cultivation in Western Siberia. Poster, Agriculture and Climate Change - Adapting Crops to Increased Uncertainty (AGRI 2015), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 15–17/02/2015. Abstract [doi:10.1016/j.proenv.2015.07.190]
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2015): Potential of adapted tillage and seeding operations for sustainable spring wheat cultivation under climate change in Western Siberia. Poster, Agriculture and Climate Change - Adapting Crops to Increased Uncertainty (AGRI 2015), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 15–17/02/2015. Abstract [doi:10.1016/j.proenv.2015.07.193]
  • Kühling I, Kampschulte J, Trautz D (2015): Effects of tillage and seeding operations on soil moisture and nitrogen mineralization in Western Siberia. Poster, The 6th International Conference on Environmental and Rural Development, Bohol, The Philippines, 07–08/03/2015.
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2015): On-farm research in Western Siberia: Potential of adapted management practices for sustainable intensification of crop production systems. Talk, European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 12–17/04/2015. Abstract
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2015): Sustainable land management under climate change in Western Siberia: Potential of adapted cultivation technology in cereal production systems. Talk, Agriculture and Climate Change in Transition Economies - IAMO Forum 2015, Halle (Saale), Germany, 17-19/06/2015.
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2015): Effects of adjusted tillage and seeding operations on soil properties and grain yields in Western Siberia. Talk, 20th International Soil Tillage Research Organization (ISTRO) Conference – Sustainable Intensification for Increased Food and Energy, Nanjing, China, 14–18/09/2015.
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2015): Strategies for sustainable intensification based on spatio-temporal analysis of land use intensities in Tyumen, Siberia (Russian Federation). Talk, 20th International Soil Tillage Research Organization (ISTRO) Conference – Sustainable Intensification for Increased Food and Energy, Nanjing, China, 14–18/09/2015.
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2015): Potential von Nutzungsintensitätsanalysen zur Entwicklung von Strategien zum nachhaltigen Landmanagement. Talk, Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Berlin, Germany,  01–06/10/2015.
  • Kühling I, Broll G, Trautz D (2015): Potential of spatio-temporal land-use intensity analysis for sustainable land management. Talk, 4. International Symposium Agrosym 2015, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 15–17/10/2015.
  • Kühling I, Clemens G, Wertebach TM, von Dressler H, Trautz D (2015): A systematic approach to estimate agricultural usability of soils in regions with poor data basis. Poster, 4. International Symposium Agrosym 2015, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 15–17/10/2015.
  • Redozubov D, Kühling I, Jeismann C, Komissarov I, Trautz D (2015): Comparative performance of a novel silicate coated slow-release urea fertilizer with urease inhibitor. Talk, 58. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, Braunschweig, Germany, 22–24/09/2015. Abstract
  • Schmalz B, Kiesel J, Kruse M, Pfannerstill M, Sheludkov A, Khoroshavin V, Veshkurseva T, Müller F, Fohrer N (2015): Modelling hydrological processes and analysing water-related ecosystem services of Western Siberian lowland basins. Talk, European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 12-17/04/2015. Abstract
  • Stupak N (2015): Agricultural Policy in Russian Federation and Its Implications for Climate Change Adaptation in Western Siberia. Talk, Agriculture and Climate Change in Transition Economies - IAMO Forum 2015, Halle (Saale), Germany, 17-19/06/2015.
  • Stupak N (2015): Agricultural transition in the Russian Federation and its implications for adaptation to climate change in Western Siberia. Talk, Workshop on Institutional Analysis of Social-Ecological Systems (WINS), Berlin, Germany, 02/02/2015.


  • Conrad Y, Sheludkov A, Kiesel J, Dietrich A, Schmalz B, Fohrer N (2014): Bewertung der Wasserbilanz in der Westsibirischen Waldsteppe unter Berücksichtigung klimatischer, pedologischer und nutzungsspezifischer Faktoren. Tag der Hydrologie 2014. 20.-22.03.2014. Eichstätt. Poster.
  • Fleischer E, Bartsch L, Bölter J, Hoshimov I, Latyntsev R, Klemm O (2014): Evapotranspiration and carbon balances: Looking at Greenhouse-gas fluxes in western Siberia in two respects. Talk, International conference "Ecology and Management of Natural Resources" of the Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russian Federation, 29/09-03/10/2014.
  • Griewald Y (2014): Looking at peasant farms within the supply chain for wheat in Russia: an institutional economics perspective. 2nd GlobalFood Symposium, 25-26/04/2014, Göttingen. Poster.
  • Hölzel N, Kämpf I, Mathar W, Tupitsin S, Wertebach, T.-M, Yurtaev A, Kamp J, Kiehl K, Abramov NV, Tolstikov AV (2014): Impact of Land Cover and Land-use Intensity on Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in the South of the Tyumen Province. 5. International Conference „Environment and Natural Resource Managment“, Tyumen State University, 01-03/10/2014, Tjumen, Russische Förderation.
  • Kamp J (2014) Post-soviet agricultural abandonment and recent recultivation: trade-offs between food production and biodiversity conservation. 2nd Open Science Meeting Global Land Project, 19–21/03/2014, Berlin, Germany.
  • Kämpf I, Mathar W, Kiehl K (2014): Vegetation Succession on Ex-arable Land in the Western Siberian Forest-steppe Zone. SER2014, 9th SER Europe Conference, 03-08/08/2014, Oulu, Finland.
  • Kiesel J, Kolychalow O, Sheludkov A, Marciniak H, Abramenko K, Schmalz B, Conrad Y, Pfannerstill M, Veshkurseva T, Khoroshavin V, Tolstikov A, Fohrer N (2014): Investigating and simulating the impact of surface water retention potential in Western Siberia. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2014. 27.04.-02.05.2014. Vienna, Austria. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-85. [Abstract] and Poster
  • Kiesel J, Pfannerstill M, Schmalz B, Khoroshavin, V, Sheludkov A, Veshkurseva, T, Fohrer N (2014): Hydrologie des Westsibirischen Tieflandes: Modellierung hydrologischer Prozesse. 10. Hydrologie-Workshop der Abteilung Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. 01.12.2014. Kiel. Talk.
  • Kiesel J, Kolychalow O, Sheludkov A, Marciniak H, Abramenko K, Schmalz B, Conrad Y, Veshkurseva T, Khoroshavin V, Tolstikov A, Fohrer N (2014): Untersuchung der hydrologischen Prozesse und Parametrisierung des ökohydrologischen Modells SWAT in Westsibirien. Tag der Hydrologie 2014. 20.-22.03.2014. Eichstätt. Poster.
  • Kühling I, Nülle S, Bome N, Trautz D (2014): Impacts of different approval ages at spring wheat varieties on yield and plant health. 5th International Symposium ‘Agrosym 2014’, 23–26/10/2014, Jahorina, Bosnia–Herzegovina. Full conference paper published in Agriculture and Forestry 60:7–14, Download
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2014): Applied Sustainable Intensification – On-farm research on adaption strategies to climate change in Siberia. Workshop Climate change and Agriculture, 25–26/11/2014, Adnan Menderes University, Aydin, Turkey.
  • Marciniak H, Kiesel J, Sheludkov A, Schmalz B, Khoroshavin V, Fohrer N (2014): Assessment of soil salinity in an agro-ecosystem under climate change in Western Siberia. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2014. 27.04.-02.05.2014. Vienna, Austria. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-1017. [Abstract] and Poster
  • Mathar W, Gottbehüt K, Kamp J, Kämpf I, Weking S, Hölzel N (2014) Environmental and land-use effects on diversity and composition of grasslands within the Forest-Steppe zone of Western Siberia. Talk. 11th European Dry Grassland Meeting, Tula, Russland, 5-15.06.2014 - awarded "2nd best talk award for young scientists"
  • Schmalz B, Kruse M, Müller F, Fohrer N (2014): Hydrologie des Westsibirischen Tieflandes: Analyse von Ökosystemleistungen basierend auf ökohydrologischen Modellergebnissen. 10. Hydrologie-Workshop der Abteilung Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. 01.12.2014. Kiel. Talk.
  • Sheludkov A, Kiesel J, Veshkurseva T (2014): Modeling of nutrient concentrations in the river Loktinka, Western Siberia.  European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2014. 27.04.-02.05.2014. Vienna, Austria. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-274. [Abstract] and Poster
  • Trautz D, Kühling I (2014): Sustainable Intensification – A new approach for the future of agriculture? Workshop Climate change and Agriculture, 25–26/11/2014, Adnan Menderes University, Aydin, Turkey.
  • Trautz D, Kühling I (2014): Sustainable Intensification – The future of agriculture? 5th International Symposium ‘Agrosym 2014’, 23–26/10/2014, Jahorina, Bosnia-Herzegovina [abstracts].


  • Fleischer E, Lokys H, Paas B, Degefie DT, El-Madany T, Klemm O (2013): Effects of land-use change on the greenhouse gas exchange in Western Siberia. Poster, European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 07-12/04/2013.
  • Fleischer E, Lokys H, Paas B, Degefie DT, El-Madany T, Klemm O (2013): Measurement of greenhouse gas exchanges in Western Siberia. Poster, International Symposium Patterns in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Systems: Monitoring, Modelling & Data Assimilation, Bonn, Germany, 11-14/03/2013.
  • Fleischer E, Lokys H, Paas B, Degefie DT, El-Madany T, Klemm O (2013): Effects of land-use change on greenhous gas fluxes in Western Siberia.  Talk at the Status Conference 2013 of the BMBF-Research Programme “Sustainable Land Management“, Berlin, Germany, 17-19/04/2013.
  • Fleischer E, Degefie DT, Tolstikov A, Soromotin A, Soromotina O, Hoshimov I, Bartsch L, Bölter J, Lokys H, Paas B, El-Madany T, Klemm O (2013): GHG fluxes and climate change in Western Siberia – what should we expect? Talk, International conference "Ecology and Management of Natural Resources" of the Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russian Federation, 12-13/09/2013. [Abstract]
  • Fohrer N, Abramenko K, Conrad Y, Dietrich A, Kiesel J, Kolychalow O, Marciniak H, Schmalz B, Shelludkov A, Tretyakov N, Veshkurseva T, Khoroshavin V, Tolstikov A (2013): Modelling of water and matter balances at field and catchment scales. Talk, International conference "Ecology and Management of Natural Resources" of the Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russian Federation, 12-13/09/2013. [Abstract]
  • Gottbehüt K, Kleinebecker T, Kämpf I, Mathar W, Typicin S, Wertebach T, Hölzel N (2013): Birch forests in Western Siberia – a modern analogue to Pre-Boreal European forests. Poster. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Potsdam, 09-13/09/2013.
  • Hölzel N, Frenzel M, Gottbehüt K, Kämpf I, Kämpfer S, Kuzmin I, Mathar W, Reinhardt A, Tolstikov A, Tupitsin S, Weking S, Kamp J (2013): Land-use change and biodiversity in Western Siberia: Implications for Conservation. Talk, International conference "Ecology and Management of Natural Resources" of the Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russian Federation, 12-13/09/2013. [Abstract]
  • Kamp J (2013): One step(pe) further east – conservation strategies for agricultural landscapes in Kazakhstan and Western Siberia. Invited Talk at “East meets West workshop", Göttingen, Germany, 13–15/02/2013.
  • Kamp J, Urazaliev R, Salemgareev A, Donald PF, Brinkert A, Sidorova T, Hölzel N (2013): Agricultural change, biodiversity and future conservation strategies for the Eurasian steppes. Talk at the international conference “Conservation of steppe and semi-desert ecosystems in Eurasia”, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 13–14/03/2013.
  • Kämpf I, Mathar W, Weking S, Kiehl K (2013): Cropland Biodiversity in the Western Siberian Grain Belt. Poster, Open Landscapes, Hildesheim 29/09/-03/10/2013.
  • Kämpf I, Tupitsin S, Kiehl K (2013): Cropland biodiversity in the Oblast Tyumen. Talk, International conference "Ecology and Management of Natural Resources" of the Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russian Federation, 12-13/09/2013. [Abstract]
  • Komp K, Haub C, Völker A (2013): Tracing global warming by agricultural monitoring using multiscale approaches of remote sensing. Progress report from the German-Siberian research project "SASCHA". In: Geo-Siberia 2013. Advanced geospatial and surveying technologies for environmental management and sustainable territorial development. 24.-26.04.2013, Novosibirsk. [pdf]
  • Kühling I, Fohrer N, Trautz D (2013): Nachhaltiges Landmanagement und Anpassungsstrategien an den Klimawandel für den Westsibirischen Getreidegürtel. Poster, Öffentliche Hochschultagung der Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel/Germany, 07/02/2013. [pdf]
  • Kühling I, Hüsing B, Bome N, Trautz D (2013): Relationships between soybean varieties, rhizobia inoculation, and SPAD502 chlorophyll meter readings in Western Siberia. Talk, International conference "Ecology and Management of Natural Resources" of the Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russian Federation, 12-13/09/2013. [Abstract]
  • Kühling I, Hüsing B, Bome N, Trautz D (2013): Relationship between soybean varieties, rhizobia inoculation and SPAD502 chlorophyll meter readings in Western Siberia. Talk, IV International Symposium Agrosym 2013, 03.-06.10.2013, Jahorina, Bosnien-Herzegowina. Book of Proceedings, 72-76. [pdf]
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2013): Klimabezogene Anpassungsstrategien in landwirtschaftlichen Produktionssystemen – eine vielschichtige Herausforderung. Talk, COALA2.0 Symposium, 12.04.2013, Osnabrück.
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2013): SASCHA - Nachhaltiges Landmanagement und Anpassungsstrategien an den Klimawandel für den Westsibirischen Getreidegürtel. Poster, COALA2.0 Symposium, 12.04.2013, Osnabrück. [pdf]
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2013): Land use extension as the only way to economic success? SASCHA's agriculture approach as a sustainable alternative. Talk at the Status Conference 2013 of the BMBF-Research Programme “Sustainable Land Management“, Berlin, Germany, 17-19/04/2013.
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2013): Der SASCHA Agrar-Approach: Potentiale in der Agrarstruktur für eine nachhaltige Landnutzung. Poster at the Status Conference 2013 of the BMBF-Research Programme “Sustainable Land Management“, Berlin, Germany, 17-19/04/2013. [pdf]
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2013): Agrarproduktion in der Region Tyumen: Produktionstechnische Möglichkeiten für nachhaltige Landnutzungssysteme. Agrarseminar at the Duma of Tyumen, 11.09.2013, Tyumen, Russia.
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2013): SASCHA: Agrarwissenschaftliche Fragestellungen im interdisziplinären Kontext eines deutsch-russischen Forschungsprojekts. Talk, PhD  Symposium 2013, 18.10.2013, Osnabrück.
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2013): SASCHA – Nachhaltiges Landmanagement und Anpassungsstrategien an den Klimawandel für den Westsibirischen Getreidegürtel. Poster, Agritechnica, 10.-16.11.2013, Hannover. [pdf]
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2013): Nachhaltiges Landmanagement und Anpassungsstrategien an den Klimawandel für den Westsibirischen Getreidegürtel – Feldversuche Sommerweizen in Ischim, Tjumen (Russische Föderation). Poster, Agritechnica, 10.-16.11.2013, Hannover. [pdf]
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2013): Nachhaltige landwirtschaftliche Nutzungsstrategien im Westsibirischen Getreidegürtel. Talk, 9. Hydrologie-Workshop der Abteilung Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, 18.11.2013, Kiel.
  • Mathar W, Gottbehüt K, Hölzel N, Kamp J, Kämpf I, Kiehl K, Tolstikov A, Tupizin S, Weking S, Wertebach T (2013) The Western Siberian forest steppe as a hotspot of biodiversity and carbon sequestration. Talk at the Status Conference 2013 of the BMBF-Research Programme “Sustainable Land Management“, Berlin, Germany, 17-19/04/2013.
  • Schmalz B, Conrad Y, Kiesel J, Marciniak H, Sheludkov A, Tolstikov A, Fohrer N (2013): Analyse des Wasser- und Stoffhaushaltes auf Feld- und Flusseinzugsgebietsskala im Westsibirischen Getreidegürtel. Talk, 9. Hydrologie-Workshop der Abteilung Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 18/11/2013.
  • Schmalz B, Kolychalow O, Dietrich A, Conrad Y, Kiesel J, Fohrer N (2013): Untersuchung des Wasser- und Nährstoffhaushalts auf Einzugsgebietsskala für nachhaltige Anpassungsstrategien von Landnutzungssystemen an Klimawandelbedingungen in Westsibirien. Poster at Tag der Hydrologie 2013, Bern/Switzerland, 04-06/04/2013.
  • Schmalz B, Kolychalow O, Dietrich A, Conrad Y, Kiesel J, Fohrer N (2013): Modelling of water and matter balances under global change in the Western Siberian corn-belt. Talk at the Status Conference 2013 of the BMBF-Research Programme “Sustainable Land Management“, Berlin, Germany, 17-19/04/2013.
  • Störrle M, Brauckmann HJ, Broll G (2013): Regionales Stoffstrommanagement für Nährstoffe im Westsibirischen Getreidegürtel. Talk at the Status Conference 2013 of the BMBF-Research Programme “Sustainable Land Management“, Berlin, Germany, 17-19/04/2013.
  • Störrle M, Hagedorn L, Brauckmann H-J, Broll G (2013): Soil degradation and sustainable soil management in the Western Siberian corn-belt. Talk, International conference "Ecology and Management of Natural Resources" of the Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russian Federation, 12-13/09/2013. [Abstract]
  • Trautz D, Kühling I (2013): The role of Organic Farming in providing ecosystem services. The 4th ICERD -  International Conference on Environmental and Rural Development, 19.-20.01.2013, Siem Reap, Cambodia. Book of Proceedings, 175-178. [pdf]
  • Trautz D, Kühling I (2013): Change of land use intensity: WTO accession of Russia – chance for organic farming? Talk at the Status Conference 2013 of the BMBF-Research Programme “Sustainable Land Management“, Berlin, Germany, 17-19/04/2013.
  • Völker A, Bicsan A, Müterthies A (2013): Analyse und Monitoring der Landnutzung im Westsibirischen Getreidegürtel: Implementierung eines Fernerkundungssystems zur automatisierten Erfassung von Landnutzungsänderungen. Talk at the Status Conference 2013 of the BMBF-Research Programme “Sustainable Land Management“, Berlin, Germany, 17-19/04/2013.
  • Völker A, Bicsan A, Müterthies A (2013): Automatisiertes Landnutzungsmonitoring per Fernerkundung als Beitrag zur Entwicklung nachhaltiger Landmanagementstrategien für den Westsibirischen Getreidegürtel. Poster at the Status Conference 2013 of the BMBF-Research Programme “Sustainable Land Management“, Berlin, Germany, 17-19/04/2013. [pdf]
  • Völker A, Bicsan A, Pislegin D, Soromotin A, Müterthies A (2013): Analyse und Monitoring der Landnutzung im Westsibirischen Getreidegürtel: Implementierung eines Fernerkundungssystems zur automatisierten Erfassung von Landnutzungsänderungen. Talk,  Statuskonferenz 2013 der Fördermaßnahme „Nachhaltiges Landmanagement“, Berlin, 17-19/04/2013.
  • Völker A, Bicsan A, Pislegin D, Soromotin A, Müterthies A (2013): Land cover changes in the Western Siberian corn-belt. Implementation of a remote sensing-based monitoring system. Talk, International conference "Ecology and Management of Natural Resources" of the Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russian Federation, 12-13/09/2013. [Abstract]
  • von Dressler, Gladun E, Kues P (2013): A comparison of instruments for landscape planning and sustainable development in Russia and Germany: lessons learnt from the SASCHA project. Talk, International conference "Ecology and Management of Natural Resources" of the Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russian Federation, 12-13/09/2013. [Abstract]
  • Weking S, Mattes H, Hölzel N (2013): Insect diversity of the forest-steppe ecotone in Western Siberia. Poster. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Potsdam, 9-13/09/2013.
  • Wertebach TM, Kleinebecker T, Hölzel N (2013): Carbon dynamics in Western Siberian soils under climate and land-use change. Talk, 43rd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Potsdam, Germany, 09-13/09/13.


  • Dietrich A, Fohrer N (2012): Untersuchungen zum Bodenwasser- und Temperaturhaushalt unterschiedlicher Landnutzungssysteme im Westsibirischen Tiefland. Poster presentation, workshop 'Messung, Monitoring und Modellierung von Prozessen im System Boden-Pflanze-Atmosphäre', Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig/Germany, 16-15/11/2012.
  • Fleischer E (2012): SASCHA and the current scientific view of climate change and its impact on Western Siberia. Oral presentation at the 9th Regional Conference of Graduate Management Training Program for National Economy of the Russian Federation in the Tyumen Region, Tyumen/Russia, 21/09/2012.
  • Hölzel N (2012): Biodiversity treasures in the southern Tyumen region – first results of the SASCHA project from a Central European perspective. Invited talk at the 3. Conference “Environment and resource management”, Tyumen/Russia, 6-8/11/2012.
  • Kamp J (2012): Impacts of post-Soviet land-use change on steppe biodiversity. Invited talk at the 3. International Conference “Environment and resource management”, Tyumen/Russia, 6-8/11/2012.
  • Kämpfer S, Kamp J, Hölzel N (2012): The impact of climate and land-use change on farmland bird communities of the Western Siberian forest steppe. Poster presentation, 145th annual meeting of the Deutsche Ornithologen-Gesellschaft (DO-G), Saarbrücken/Germany, 03–08/10/2012. [pdf]
  • Kolychalow O, Dietrich A, Schmalz B, Fohrer N (2012): Modellierung der Wasser- und Stoffflüsse in der Westsibirischen Tiefebene unter dem Einfluss von Landnutzungs- und Klimawandel mittels CoupModel und SWAT. In: Weiler M (Hrsg.): Wasser ohne Grenzen. Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung der FgHW (31.12): 309.
  • Kolychalow O, Dietrich A, Schmalz B, Fohrer N (2012): Modellierung der Wasser- und Stoffflüsse in der Westsibirischen Tiefebene unter dem Einfluss von Landnutzungs- und Klimawandel mittels CoupModel und SWAT. Poster presentation at 'Tag der Hydrologie' conference, Freiburg/Germany, 22–23/03/2012. [pdf]
  • Komp K (2012): Le suivi global pour la gestion du foncier durable et pour la sécurité alimentaire - progrès récents des applications de la télédétection et du SIG en Afrique et en Asie. Oral presentation at GEOTUNIS conference 2012 (UNISDR), Tunis/Tunisia, 26–30/03/2012.
  • Komp K, Haub C (2012): Global Monitoring for Food Security and Sustainable Land Management.  Recent advances of remote sensing applications to African and Siberian show cases. ISPRS Archives XXXIX-B8: 265–271. [pdf]
  • Kues P (2012a): Sustainable land use in Western Siberia – The research project SASCHA. Oral presentation, Week of Sustainability, Osnabrück/Germany, 02/06/2012.
  • Kues P (2012b): Contribution of landscape planning for consideration of environmental aspects in spatial planning (SASCHA project presented as example). Oral presentation, Workshop “Effects of climate change and land use on biodiversity in protected areas and the Altai-SayanEcoregion” Gorno-Altaisk/Russia, 23/08/2012.
  • Kühling I, Dietrich A, Kolychalow O, Fohrer N, Schmalz B, Trautz D (2012): Nachhaltige Anpassungsstrategien von Landnutzungssystemen an Klimawandelbedingungen auf unterschiedlichen Skalen in Westsibirien. Oral presentation. 8. Hydrologie-Workshop der Abteilung Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel: „Messkonzepte, Methoden und Ergebnisse ökohydrologischer Studien“. Kiel, 19/11/2012.
  • Polishchuk Y (2012): Two in one? On monetary valuation of ecosystem services, nature protection and human well-being. Talk at conference “Theoretical and applied research on socio-economic systems under conditions of Russia’s integration into world economy”, Tyumen/Russia, 30/11/2012.
  • Störrle M, Brauckmann HJ, Broll G (2012): Soil degradation and sustainable land management in the Western Siberian Corn Belt. Poster presentation, International Symposium on Managing Soils for Food Security and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation, FAO/IAEA, Vienna/Austria, 23-27/07/2012. [pdf]
  • Stupak N (2012): Good Reasons instead of Vague Concepts: Discussing the Application of Sustainable Development Concept within Agricultural Policy of Russian Federation. Talk at conference “Theoretical and applied research on socio-economic systems under conditions of Russia’s integration into world economy”, Tyumen/Russia, 30/11/2012.
  • von Dressler H, Kämpf I, Kiehl K, Kues P, Kühling I, Trautz D (2012): Sustainable land use in Western Siberia – The research project SASCHA. Poster presentation, Week of Sustainability, Osnabrück/Germany, 01–04/06/2012.


  • Dietrich A, Kolychalow O, Schmalz B, Fohrer N (2011): SASCHA - Nachhaltiges Landmanagement und Anpassungsstrategien an den Klimawandel für den Westsibirischen Getreidegürtel. Poster presentation, 7. Hydrologie-Workshop der Abteilung Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel/Germany, 14/11/2011.
  • Kleinebecker T, Hölzel N (2011): Impact of climate and land-use change on the expansion of agriculture in mires in western Siberia: Consequences for carbon sequestration. Oral presentation, Joint meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Wetpol and Wetland Biogeochemistry Symposium (SWS),  Prag/Czech Republic, 03–08/07/2011.
  • Trautz D (2011): Experience of Cooperation between Russia and Germany in the Sphere of Ecological and Environmental Projects. 2nd Ecological Forum, Ecological Innovations – Way to success, Ekaterinburg/Russia, 22/08/2011.
  • Völker A, Müterthies A, Hölzel N (2011): Implementation of a monitoring system for land cover changes in the Western Siberian corn belt. A remote sensing approach from the SASCHA project. In: Soromotin A, Tolstikov a (Eds): Environment and natural resource management. Tyumen, p. 233. [pdf]

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Working papers and reports


  • Stupak N (2015): An analysis of theoretical and practical options for institutional change that allow for sustainable agricultural development in Tyumen province of the Russian Federation.  Part I – Sustainable agriculture in Tyumen province; Part II – Analysis of theoretical and practical options. Unpublished working paper, version 1.0. Humboldt-University, Berlin.  [pdf]


  • Griewald Y (2014):  Post-Soviet transformations in the Russian agro-food sector: some insights from the Tyumen region. Unpublished working paper, Humboldt University Berlin.
  • Störrle M, Brauckmann HJ, Broll G (2014): Anfall und Qualität der Nebenprodukte aus der Landwirtschaft in der Oblast Tjumen, Russland. Unpublished working paper, University of Osnabrück. [pdf]
  • Stupak N (2014): Land Use in Russian Federation and in Tyumen Province. Part 1: Land use planning, part 2: property rights in agricultural land. Unpublished working paper, version 1.0. Humboldt University Berlin. [pdf]


  • Kiehl K, Trautz D, von Dressler H, Kämpf I, Kues P, Kühling I (2012): SASCHA - Nachhaltiges Landmanagement und Anpassungsstrategien an den Klimawandel im Westsibirischen Getreidegürtel. Forschungsbericht 2012, Fakultät Agrarwissenschaften und Landschaftsarchitektur, Hochschule Osnabrück, pp. 17-19. [pdf]
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2012): The structure of agriculture and agricultural production in Tyumen province - preliminary results. Unpublished working paper [pdf] [e]
  • Kues P, von Dressler H (2012): First situation analysis report on framework conditions for the development and implementation of planning strategies. Unpublished working paper, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück.
  • Stupak N (2012a): Legal Framework for Agricultural Production and Environmental Protection in Tyumen Province of Russian Federation; Part I -- Administrative Structure of Russian Federation and Part II -- Agricultural Policy. Unpublished working paper, version 1.0. [pdf]
  • Stupak N (2012b): WTO Accession by the Russian Federation: Risks, Outcomes and Possible Solutions for the Agricultural Sector of Tyumen Province. Unpublished working paper, version 1.0. [pdf]


  • Kiehl K, Trautz D, von Dressler H, Kämpf I, Kues P (2011): SASCHA - Nachhaltiges Landmanagement und Anpassungsstrategien an den Klimawandel im Westsibirischen Getreidegürtel. Research report 2011, Fakultät Agrarwissenschaften und Landschaftsarchitektur, Hochschule Osnabrück, pp. 21-22. [pdf]

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  • Kunz F (2016): Butterfly communities and diversity of dry slopes in the Western Siberian forest steppe. BSc Thesis, University of Münster
  • Trappe J (2016): Grassland butterfly communities of the WEstern Siberian forest steppe in the light of land-use change. BSc thesis, University of Münster
  • Fleischer E (2016): Greenhouse gas fluxes in hemiboreal exosystems: implications of environmental change. Dissertation, University of Münster
  • Kämpf I (2016): Effects of land-use change on agroecosystems of Western Siberia. Dissertation, University of Münster


  • Degefie DT (2015): Atmospheric Environment Research in the Northern Latitudes: Examples from Western Siberia and Central Europe. Dissertation, University of Münster.
  • Frenzel, M (2015): Light Forests and Forest-Grassland Mosaics – Bird communities of the western Siberian forest steppe. Bachelor Thesis, Universität of Münster
  • Reinhard, A (2015): Post-soviet and current land-use change shape farmland bird communities of the Western Siberian forest steppe. Master Thesis, University of Münster.
  • Sada, R (2015): Potential impacts of climate change on hydrology of Western Siberian lowland catchments. Master Thesis, University of Kiel.


  • Freitag, M (2014): Floristic composition and ecology of pine forests in southern West-Siberia. Bachelor Thesis, University of Münster.
  • Hagedorn, L (2014): Soil structure under the influence of different land use in the Western Siberian grain-belt in Tyumen, Russia. Master Thesis, Technical University of Braunschweig and University of Osnabrück. [pdf]
  • Kampschulte, J (2014): Einfluss verschiedener Bodenbearbeitungs- und Aussaatverfahren bei Sommerweizen auf Nmin Gehalte in Schwarzerden des westsibirischen Getreidegürtels. Bachelor thesis, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück.
  • Marciniak, H (2014): Assessment of soil salinity in an agro-ecosystem under climate change in Western Siberia. Master Thesis, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. 83 p.
  • Martens, L (2014): Trends in land use and land-use intensity across the Western Siberian forest steppe. Bachelor Thesis, University of Münster.


  • Averbeck A (2013): Supervised classification and change detection of land use in a cut-over fen near Tyumen (Western Siberia) using multitemporal satellite imagery. Master Thesis, University of Münster.
  • Bartsch L (2013): Statistical comparison of meteorological data from three stations near Tyumen, Western Siberia. Bachelor Thesis, University of Münster.
  • Bockelmann M (2013): Comparing cultivation of Russian summer wheat varieties in Osnabrück/Germany and Tyumen/Russia to evaluate environmental adaptation. Bachelor thesis, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück.
  • Bölter J (2013): Evapotransporation in summer near Tyumen, W Siberia - a comparison of eddy covariance and Penman methods. Bachelor Thesis, University of Münster.
  • Gottbehüt K (2013): Birch forests in Western Siberia - a modern analogue to Pre-Boreal European forests. Master Thesis, University of Münster. [pdf]
  • Nülle S (2013): A comparison of selection process in summer wheat at sites in Osnabrück, Germany and Tyumen, Russia. Bachelor thesis, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück.
  • Paas B (2013): Turbulent atmospheric exchange of greenhouse gases over a grassland in Western Siberia. Master Thesis, University of Münster.


  • Eickholl R (2012): Einfluss des Klimas und der Landnutzung auf die Hydrologie der Westsibirischen Tieflandebene. Bachelor Thesis, University of Kiel.
  • Lokys H (2012): Variation of eddy covariance flux footprint sizes in dependence on measurement height. Master Thesis, University of Münster.
  • Tillmann C (2012): Supervised Classification and Change Detection of Agricultural Land Use in the Forest Steppe Zone of West Siberia Using Multitemporal Satellite Imagery. Master Thesis, University of Münster. [pdf]

Sign Pageup

Other Publications


  • Braeckevelt E (2016): Eine Reise nach Sibirien – Was Klimawandel und Hafer miteinander zu tun haben. Interactive oral presentation, Kinder-Uni, Anette-von-Droste-Hülshoff-Gymnasium Dülmen, 20/12/2016.
  • Kämpf I, Hölzel N, Kühling I, Kiehl K (2016): Arable weed flora in the Western Siberian grain belt. Julius-Kühn-Archiv 452: 76–83. [pdf]
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2016): SASCHA Projekt: Feldversuchsergebnisse aus Ischim, Russische Föderation. Fachforum Trockenfeldbau, Amatechnica. Hasbergen-Gaste, Germany, 02/06/2016.
  • Trautz, D.; Kühling, I. (2016) Проект «SASCHA» Итоговый отчет по полевым опытам 2013-2015 Ишим, Тюменская область(РФ), Ишим, 22/07/2016.


  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2015): Direktsaat erfolgreich in Westsibirien praktizieren. Internationaler Empfang AMAZONE Landtechnik. Hasbergen-Gaste, Germany, 11/12/2015.


  • Hölzel N, Gottbehüt K, Mathar W, Kämpf I (2014): Die Fundpunkte geschützter Pflanzenarten im Rahmen des internationalen Projektes SASCHA in der Region Tjumen. In: Proceedings der VII. Internationalen Steller-Tagung, 13.-14.9.2013, Tjumen, Russian Federation pp. 143-145 (in russian language).
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2014): Analyse und Optimierung nachhaltiger landwirtschaftlicher Nutzungssysteme auf Betriebsebene – Erfahrungen und Perspektiven. Amazonenwerke H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. KG. Hasbergen-Gaste, Germany, 10/03/2014.
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2014): Projekt «SASCHA»: Nachhaltige landwirtschaftliche Produktionssysteme in Westsibirien. AMAZONE Eurotechnika. Samara, Russian Federation, 14/08/2014.
  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2014): Wasser sparen mit reduzierter Bodenbearbeitung – Ergebnisse aus zweijährigen Feldversuchen in Ischim, Westsibirien. Amazonenwerke H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. KG. Hasbergen-Gaste, Germany, 18/11/2014.


  • Kühling I, Trautz D (2013): Das Projekt SASCHA in Westsibirien. In AMAZONEN-WERKE, H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. KG (Hrsg.) (2013): Intelligenter Pflanzenbau. Hasbergen-Gaste, 103-104. [pdf]


  • Deventer J, Fleischer E (2012): Measuring turbulent exchange of trace gases/-substances using the eddy covariance technique. Poster presentation at Young Researchers Day, University of Münster, 02/05/2012. [pdf]
  • Eppink F (2012): Land Management and Ecosystem Services – How Collaborative Research Programmes Can Support Better Policies; GAIA 21/1 (2012): 55 – 63. [pdf]
  • Haerdle B (2012): Lehren der "Dust Bowl" - deutsche und russische Forscher entwickeln in Sibirien Ideen für neue Landnutzung. Deutschland-Magazin 05/2012, Auswärtiges Amt Berlin. [online]

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Information material

  • SASCHA flyer: de/en/ru  [pdf]
  • SASCHA poster: de [pdf], en [pdf], ru [pdf]
  • SASCHA video: en [link]
  • SASCHA film: de [mp4], de barrier-free [mp4], ru barrier-free [mp4] (realised by DLR: M. Rizovski-Jansen, Dr. A. Wüstemeier)
  • SASCHA Science Portrait:
    Scientific coordination and synthesis (GLUES) (Hrsg.) (2013): New Strategies for the Forest Steppe - Science Portrait 5 (SASCHA). de [pdf], en [pdf]


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