Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster: Forschungsbericht 2003-2004 - Institut für Mineralogie


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2003 - 2004


Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät
Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät
Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Wirtschafts- wissenschaftliche Fakultät
Medizinische Fakultät
Erziehungswissenschaft und Sozialwissenschaften
Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft
Geschichte / Philosophie
Mathematik und Informatik
Chemie und Pharmazie


Zentrale Betriebseinheiten





Institut für Mineralogie,
Mineralogisches Museum
(Kristalle und Gesteine)

Tel. (0251) 83-33464
Fax: (0251) 83-38397
e-mail: minsek@nwz.uni-muenster.de
www: uni-muenster.de/Mineralogie
Corrensstr. 24
48149 Münster
Geschäftsführender Direktor: Prof. Klaus Mezger, Phd

Forschungsschwerpunkte 2003 - 2004  
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Allgemeine und Angewandte Mineralogie
Mineral Surface Science

Mineral Surface Science, which broadly covers the fields of crystal growth and dissolution processes and the role of organic and inorganic additives. We have two atomic force microscopes equipped to study these processes in situ in fluid cells, as well as carrying out macroscopic growth and dissolution experiments. High resolution chemical analysis, spectroscopy and electron microscopy studies of dissolution and precipitation in experiment and natural rocks.

Crystal growth and dissolution processes are being studied from a number of different points of view:

The mechanisms studied at the nanoscale, to determine the effect of supersaturation state and the role of inorganic impurities and organic inhibitors

The growth and dissolution of solid solutions in aqueous solutions : thermodynamics and mechanisms.

The effect of organic polymers on the nucleation and growth of calcite with reference to Biomineralisation (DFG Schwerpunkt programme on Biomineralisation)

The role of porosity in defining the threshols supersaturation of fluids in rocks. Crystal growth at high supersaturation in porous rocks. Force of crystallisation and salt damage in building stones (an EU STREP project)

The mechanism of mineral replacement reactions and pseudomorphism. Coupled dissolution-reprecipitation. General mechanisms of reequilibration of solids in a fluid phase.

Application of bond valence theory to determine the morphology of etch pits during dissolution and the orientation of growth steps. Applications to uranyl oxide minerals.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung, EU

Beteiligte Wissenschaftler:

Dr. T. Geisler-Wierwille, Dr. J-M. Astilleros, Dr. A. Godelitsas, Dr S. Freij, Dr K. Pollok, C.V. Putnis, I. Sethmann, S. Genkinger, A. Mutter, Prof. M.F. Hochella, Prof. R. Hinrichs, Prof. A. Putnis


Putnis A., Pina C.M., Astilleros J.M., Fernandez-Diaz L. and Prieto M. Nucleation of solid solutions crystallizing from aqueous solutions. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A. 361, 615-632 (2003)

Graßmann O., Neder R.B., Putnis A. and Löbmann P. Biomimetic control of crystal assembly by growth in an organic hydrogel network. American Mineral. 88, 647-652 (2003)

Putnis A., Pina C.M., Astilleros J.M., Fernandez-Diaz L. and Prieto M. New developments in mineral surface sciences. Journ. Mineral. Petrol. Sciences. 98, 9-18 (2003)

Astilleros J.M., Pina C.M. Férnandez-Diaz L. and Putnis A. Metastable phenomena on calcite {10.4} surfaces growing from Sr2+ - Ca2+ - CO32-aqueous solutions. Chemical Geology 193, 93-107 (2003)

Godelitsas A., Astilleros J.M., Hallam K., Harissopoulos S. and Putnis A. Interaction of calcium carbonates with lead in aqueous solutions. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37, 3351-3360 (2003)

Godelitsas A., Astilleros J.M., Hallam K., Löns J. and Putnis A. Microscopic and spectroscopic investigation of the calcite surface interacted with mercury(II) in aqueous solutions. Mineral. Magazine 67, 1193-1204 (2003)

Astilleros J.M., Pina C.M. Férnandez-Diaz L. and Putnis A. Nanoscale growth of solids crystallising from multicomponent aqueous solutions. Surface Science 545, L767-L773 (2003)

Astilleros J.M., Pina C.M. Férnandez-Diaz L. and Putnis A. Supersaturation functions in binary solid-solution aqueous solution systems. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 67, 1601-1608 (2003)

Pina C.M., Putnis A, and Astilleros J.M. The growth mechanisms of solid solutions crystallising from aqueous solutions. Chem. Geology 204, 145-161 (2004)

Pina C.M., Putnis C.V., Becker U., Biswas S., Carroll E.C., Bosbach D. and Putnis A. The inhibition of barite growth by phosphonates: Determination of adsorption isotherms by atomic force microscopy. Surface Science 553, 61-74 (2004)

Freij S.J., Putnis A. and Astilleros J.M. Nanoscale observations of the effect of cobalt on calcite growth and dissolution. Journ. Crystal Growth. 267, 288-300 (2004)

Geisler T., Seydoux-Guillaume A.-M., Wiedenbeck M., Wirth R., Berndt J., Zhang M., Mihailova B., Putnis A., Salje E.K.H., and Schlüter J. Periodic pattern formation in hydrothermally treated, metamict zircon. Am. Mineral., 89, 1341-1347 (2004)

Schindler M., Hawthorne F.C., Putnis C.V. and Putnis A. Growth of Uranyl-hydroxy-hydrate and Uranyl carbonate minerals on the (104) calcite surface. Canad. Mineral. 42, 1683-1697 (2004)

Schindler M., Mutter A., Hawthorne F.C. and Putnis A. Prediction of crystal morphology of complex uranyl-sheet minerals. I: Theory Canad. Mineral. 42, 1629-1649 (2004)

Schindler M., Mutter A., Hawthorne F. and Putnis A. Prediction of crystal morphology of complex uranyl-sheet minerals II: Observation. Canad. Mineral. 42, 1651-1666 (2004)

Schindler M. and Putnis A. Crystal growth of schoepite on the (104) surface of calcite. Canad. Mineral. 42, 1667-1681 (2004)

Goncalvez M. A., Nogueira J.M.F., Figueiras J., Putnis C.V., Almeida C. Base-metals and organic content in stream sediments in the vicinity of a landfill. Applied Geochemistry 19,137-151 (2004)

Putnis C.V. and Mezger K., A mechanism of mineral replacement: isotope tracing in the model system KCl-KBr-H20 Geochim. Cosmochim.Acta 68, 2839-2848 (2004)

Wolff-Boenisch. D., Gislason S. R., Oelkers E. H., and Putnis C. V. The dissolution rates of natural glasses as a function of their composition at pH 4 and pH 10.6, and temperatures from 25 to 74 C Geochim. Cosmochim.Acta 68, 4843-4858 (2004)



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