
  • Bruker VERTEX 70v FTIR system: This FTIR workbench allows analyzing samples in the mid-IR (2-19 µm) and near-IR (0.7-3 µm) range under variable pressure (down to 10-3 bar). A Bruker A513 variable geometry stage allows studies with varying optical geometries. With a Harrick heating stage in a Praying MantisTM diffuse reflectance unit analyses with temperatures up to 900°C are possible.
  • IRIS Database. Mid-IR reflectance spectra of minerals, rocks and meteorites obtained for the MERTIS instrument on BepiColombo.
    Preparation, Procedures, Publications.
  • Ocean Optics IDR-MICRO-532 Raman spectrometer:
    The IDRaman micro is a Raman microscope optimized for high-sensitivity measurements. With its OneFocus feature, the IDRaman micro collects Raman spectral data from the same focal plane as the image. This Raman is equipped with a Nd/YAG 532 nm laser.
