Current Research Topics

The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research Group studies the structure, function and change of terrestrial ecosystems by using plants, vegetation and soil as integrative key features in landscape ecology. Processes of global change especially of man-made climate and land use changes as well as changes in biogeochemical cycles are studied on local and regional scale with regard to their importance for conservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of natural resources.


Grassland ecology

  • Restoration of species-rich grassland: management, site conditions, diversity
  • Floodplain ecology: nutrient- and hydrodynamics, soil seed banks, dispersal processes, establishment
  • Project GolfBiodiversBiodiversity effects of an ecological enhancement of golf courses - a building block of the National Strategy on Biological Diversity
  • Project RecovFun within the DFG framework project Biodiversity Exploratories (BE) on effects of grassland extensification as a restoration measure - project page coming soon!

Monitoring and evaluation of nature conservation measures

Extensive grazing in nature conservation

  • project Year-round grazing projects in Northwestern Germany
  • project Effects of grazing on calcareous grasslands in limestone quarries of the Teutoburg Forest

Forest ecology

Peatland restoration

  • Project ReVersal - Restoration of peatlands of the nemoral zone under conditions of variable water availability and quality



Completed projects