Sebastian Geukes
Sebastian Geukes
Institute of Psychology
Room Fl 69 a/II
Fliednerstr. 21
48149 Münster
T: +49 251 83-39809
F: +49 251 83-31329

Finished his PhD in 2017

Research Project

Modeling language acquisition with artificial vocabularies – investigations on the lexico-semantic integration of newly learned words.

Statistical learning of artificial vocabularies in experimental settings has proven a successful tool to investigate word learning processes (cf. Dobel et al., 2010, Gaskell & Dumay, 2003).
Compared to research on naturally acquired vocabulary, these kinds of experiments offer full control over the learning input and allow an accurate longitudinal assessment of the learning progress.
In my research project, I address the question of how well such artificially learned words are integrated into our lexico-semantic networks, in comparison to naturally acquired words.
This knowledge is crucial to establish artificial learning paradigms as valid models for natural processes. A number of behavioral interference paradigms will serve as a means to assess the speed and accuracy with which the novel words are used in meaningful contexts. Neurophysiological methods (EEG, EEG-fMRI) will complement these findings by examining to what degree the processing of novel and existing vocabulary recruits overlapping or differential functional systems.

PhD Committee

Prof. Dr. Pienie Zwitserlood
PD Dr. Christian Dobel
Prof. M. Gareth Gaskell, Ph.D.


Geukes S, Gaskell MG, Zwitserlood P (2015). Stroop effects from newly learned color words: Effects of memory consolidation and episodic context. Frontiers in Psychology: Language Sciences, 6, 228.

Geukes S, Huster RJ, Wollbrink A, Junghöfer M, Zwitserlood P, Dobel C (2013). A large N400 but no BOLD effect - Comparing source activations of semantic priming in simultaneous EEG-fMRI. PLoS ONE, 8(12), e84029.

De Vries, M.H., Petersson, K.M., Geukes, S., Zwitserlood, P., & Christiansen, M.H. (2012). Processing multiple non-adjacent dependencies: Evidence from sequence learning. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Series B, Biological Sciences, 367(1598), 2065-2076.

Conference Contributions

Geukes, S., Gaskell, M.G., Zwitserlood, P. (2011).
Assessing the semantic integration of newly learned words via the Stroop task.
Poster presented at the IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School 2011, London, UK.

Geukes, S., Gaskell, M.G., Zwitserlood, P. (2011).
Der Stroop-Effekt bei neu erlernten Farbwörtern einer unbekannten Fremdsprache.
Oral presentation at the 53. TeaP (Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen), Halle a.d. Saale, Germany.

Geukes, S., Huster, R.J., Wollbrink, A., Zwitserlood, P., Dobel, C. (2010).
Semantic word-picture priming in simultaneous EEG-fMRI.
Poster presented at the Donders Discussions, Nimwegen, Niederlande.

Geukes, S., Huster, R.J., Wollbrink, A., Zwitserlood, P. & Dobel, C. (2010).
The semantic priming effect in concurrent EEG-fMRI.
Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Montréal, Canada [„volcano poster“].

Geukes, S., Huster, R.J., Wollbrink, A., Zwitserlood, P. & Dobel, C. (2010).
Semantic word-picture priming in simultaneous EEG-fMRI.
Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Portland, OR, USA.


*1983 Oelde, Germany
09/2004–08/2006 studies in Psychology at the Westfälische-Wilhelms University Münster
08/2006-07/2007 studies in Psychology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
10/2007-09/2010 studies in Psychology at the Westfälische-Wilhelms University Münster; Degree: Diploma in Psychology; Diploma thesis: „The semantic priming effect in simultaneous EEG-fMRI“, Institute of Psychology, University of Münster, in cooperation with the Institute for Biomagnetism and Biosignalanalysis, supervisors: Prof. Dr. P. Zwitserlood, PD Dr C. Dobel
2011 Beginning of PhD research project, Institute of Psychology, University of Münster


2010 SPR student travel award