Research Project

Human action is composed of chunks that are smoothly joined to form a continuous signal. Correspondingly, human observers as well as computers can decompose (segment) actions into characteristic phases. However, it remains unclear whether or not these phases are representative and relevant for action processing in the brain. To address this problem, we seek to quantify action phases asking whether purely data-driven action segmentation by computers is convergent with signatures of natural action segmentation as measured by human brain responses (fMRI) and behavior. The aim of our work is to arrive at an objective description of actions, and to biologically validate this approach to the characterization of human object manipulations.

PhD Committee

Prof. Dr. Ricarda Schubotz
Prof. Dr. Pienie Zwitserlood
Prof. Dr. Florentin Wörgötter


Pomp, J., Bestgen, A. K., Schulze, P., Müller, C. J., Citron, F. M. M., Suchan, B., & Kuchinke, L. (2018). Lexical olfaction recruits olfactory orbitofrontal cortex in metaphorical and literal contexts. Brain and Language, 179, 11-21.


*1987 Münster, Germany
2010–2013 Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of Twente, The Netherlands
2013-2015 Master of Science in Cognitive Science at the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
2015-2016 Researcher at the Institute of Psychology, University of Münster, Germany
Since 2016 Researcher and PhD student at the Institute of Psychology, University of Münster, Germany