Research Project

“Castration vs. Sterilization – Effects on Animal Welfare”
Castration is the first method of choice when it comes to the topic of restricting pet reproduction. Hereby the testes (males) or ovaries (females) are removed thus impairing the natural hormone balance of the organism. This has notable impacts on sexual and social behaviour, which are mostly wanted by the owner: pets are less aggressive, less active and easier to handle. But the removal of an important endocrine organ is barely in the sense of §1 German Animal Protection law, as there is a good and valid alternative to restrict animal reproduction: sterilization (vasectomy). In contrast to castration, the reproductive organs stay intact, only the ducts (semen/oviduct) are interrupted. This guarantees a normal hormonal balance. In my project, I examine the behavioural and hormonal differences according to sexuality and sociality. For this I compare not only the different treatments (castrated/sterilized/intact), but also the treatments in different life stages (pre-adolescent/post-adolescent) in male guinea-pigs.

PhD Committee

Prof. Dr. Sylvia Kaiser
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schlatt
Prof. Dr. Norbert Sachser


Schimmelpfennig, A., Bininda-Emonds, O., Boer, M., Gansloßer, U. Eingewöhnungs- und Paarbindungsverhalten zweier neuer Sumatratiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae, Pocock 1929) im Osnabrücker Zoo. Zool. Garten N.F. (2017) doi: 10.1016/j.zoolgart.2017.04.008

Conference Contributions



*1990 Cuxhaven, Germany
2009–2011 Apprenticeship Sales Management Print & Digital Media, Oldenburg
2011-2017 Studies in Biology at the Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg
2017 Beginning of PhD research project, Department of Behavioural Biology, Münster