Research Areas

The Faber group works on development of novel methods and devices for magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy with improved sensitivity.
Besides new MRI sequences for a more sensitive detection of the BOLD effect, multimodal approaches such as the combination of fMRI and ion-selective Ca 2+-imaging are pursued. Work on MR spectroscopy aims at improving detection sensitivity for neurotransmitter concentrations in vivo, in particular in models of spinal cord pathologies. The group operates an experimental 9.4 tesla small animal MRI system and a clinical 3 tesla scanner.

Faber-intext-1-w245 Fig.1 (left): 9.4 tesla small animal MRI system
Fig. 2 (top right): High resolution MR image of the mouse brain
Fig. 3 (bottom right): 3D volume rendering

Selected Publications

K. Weiss, G. Melkus, P. Jakob, C. Faber (2009). Quantitative in vivo 1H spectroscopic imaging of metabolites in the early postnatal mouse brain at 17.6 T. Magn. Reson. Med., 22:53-62. DOI : 10.1007/s10334-008-0142-2

C. Faber, B. Zahneisen, F. Tippmann, A. Schroeder, F. Fahrenholz (2007). Gradient echo and CRAZED imaging for minute-detection of Alzheimer plaques in an APPV717I x ADAM10-dn mouse model. Magn. Reson. Med. 57, 696-703. DOI: 10.1002/mrm/21021

P. Prang, R. Müller, A. Eljaouhari, K. Heckmann, W. Kunz, T. Weber, C. Faber, M. Vroemen, U. Bogdahn, and N. Weidner (2006). Promotion of oriented axonal regrowth in the injured central nervous system by alginate-based anisotropic capillary gels. Biomaterials 27, 3560–3569.

A. Stroh, C. Faber, T. Neuberger, P. Lorenz, K. Sieland, P. M. Jakob, A. Webb, H. Pilgrimm, R. Schober, E. Pohl, C. Zimmer (2005). In vivo detection limits of magnetically labeled embryonic stem cells in the rat brain using high-field (17.6 T) magnetic resonance imaging. Neuroimage, 24, 635-645.

T. Weber, M. Vroemen, V. Behr, T. Neuberger, A. Haase, G. Schuierer, U. Bogdahn, C. Faber, and N. Weidner (2006). In vivo high-resolution MRI of neuropathological changes in the injured rat spinal cord. Am. J. Neuroradiol. 27, 598-604

Academic CV

1990-1996 Study of Physics at the University of Bayreuth
1996-1999 Dissertation at the department for Biopolymers, University of Bayreuth
1999-2000 Postdoc at the German Cancer research Center Heidelberg (Department of Pathobiochemistry)
2000-2003 Postdoc at the Institute of Physics, University of Würzburg
2003-2008 Research Assistent (C1) at the Institute of Physics, University of Würzburg
2007 Habilitation: Venia legendi for Experimental Physics, University of Würzburg
since 06/2008 Associate Professor for Experimental Magnetic Resonance at the WWU Münster

Honours and Special Recognitions

2005 Senior Mansfield Fellowship, Sir Peter Mansfield MR Centre Nottingham, UK.