ZIN member Dr. Steffen Lange presents results of the study "Digital Reset: Redirecting Technologies for the Deep Sustainability Transformation".

As part of events on December 6 as well as 7, Dr. Steffen Lange will present the results of the study "Digital Reset: Redirecting Technologies for the Deep Sustainability Transformation", which he conducted together with Tilman Santarius.

On December 6, Dr. Lange will be a guest at the Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions, which is investigating how digitalization in mobility can reduce energy consumption and improve social justice in the process. He is speaking there as part of the seminar "Digitalisation for people and the planet - CREDS in Conversation", which you can learn more about here. 

On December 07 from 8 to 9:30 am he will present the results of the study mentioned above as part of the webinar "Digital Discovery Session" hosted by CODES (Coalition for Digital Environmental Sustainability).