6th International Conference of the EAM:
Realism(s) of the Avant-Garde and Modernism

Münster, Germany, 5.-7. September 2018

The avant-gardes of the 20th century defined themselves, and are defined by us, essentially by their relations to various concepts of realism.

  1. Mostly, they distinguish themselves eagerly from the realisms of the 19th-century.
  2. Nevertheless, they often claim some kind of truth or higher realism – super-realism – for themselves, claiming to have access to some primary reality that cannot be presented in traditional arts.
  3. These super-realisms are in turn challenged by movements such as New Objectivity, Magic Realism, or different varieties of political popular art, which in their turn claim to be more realistic than the supposedly outmoded avant-gardes.
  4. Even the neo-avant-gardes and other movements from the second half of the 20th century to the present day have to deal with concurrent varieties of "realism" (just think of Mario Amaya calling Pop "the New Super Realism").

Our conference will discuss the different concepts of realism formulated by and against the avant-gardes and the different relations to reality generated in arts and media. "Realism", in this respect, may refer to techniques ("prijom") as well as discourses, the representation of (e.g. scientific or esoteric) knowledge, but also to political ideologies or practical applications.

We welcome contributions across all areas of avant-garde and modernist activity: art, literature, music, architecture, film, artistic and social movements, lifestyle, television, fashion, drama, performance, activism, design and technology.

Call for proposals

You may submit a proposal as a CHAIR or as an INDIVIDUAL.

  1. You may propose to be the CHAIR of a PANEL. A PANEL consists of three or four speakers. One of the speakers is the CHAIR who makes the submission and supplies the details and proposals of all of the proposed participants. You may also submit a double or triple panel. Panels should not consist only of graduate students.
  2. You may submit an INDIVIDUAL PROPOSAL without specifying a panel and the organisers will assign your paper to a panel if accepted.
  3. Please submit your proposals in word format only to Prof. Moritz Baßler (eam2018@uni-muenster.de). Closing date for applicaitons is 15 February 2018. Further information can be found on the conference webpage (https://www.uni-muenster.de/Kulturpoetik/eamconference).  The official languages of the conference are English, French and German. Both papers and entire panels are welcome in all the three languages.

Panel proposals should include the following information.

  1. Title of panel and language of panel (English, French, German – one only)
  2. Name, address and email contact of Panel Chair
  3. A summary of the panel topic (300 words)
  4. A summary of each individual contribution (300 words)
  5. Name, postal address and email contact of individual contributors
  6. Short biography of individual contributors

Individual proposals should include the following information.

  1. Title of paper and language of paper (English, French, German)
  2. Name, address and email of contributor
  3. A summary of the contribution (300 words)
  4. Short biography of the contributor

The scientific committee of the EAM 2018 conference:

Professor Moritz Baßler, Universität Münster // Professor David Ayers, University of Kent / Professor Günter Berghaus, University of Bristol / Professor Andreas Blödorn, Universität Münster / Professor Sascha Bru, KU Leuwen / Professor Michael Custodis, Universität Münster / Dr. Robert Matthias Erdbeer, Universität Münster / Professor Vladimir Feshchenko, Russian Academy of Sciences Moskau / Professor Ursula Frohne, Universität Münster / Professor Marja Härmänmaa, University of Turku / Professor Britta Herrmann, Universität Münster / Professor Benedikt Hjartarson, University of Iceland / Professor Doris Kolesch, FU Berlin / Professor Sabine Kyora, Universität Oldenburg / Professor Andrew McNamara, Queensland University of Technology / Professor Jean-Pierre Montier, Université européenne de Bretagne-Rennes2 / Professor Françoise Nicol , Université de Nantes / Professor Hubert Roland, Université Louvain-la-Neuve / Professor Katja Sarkowsky, Universität Münster / Professor Ann Stephen, The University of Sidney / Professor Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf, Universität Münster