Prof Dr Jörg Hardy

Fellow of the Centre (March to November 2014)
  • Vita

    Positions & Education

    WT 2015/16 Visiting Professor at the China University for Political Studies and Law, Beijing, China
    ST Visiting Professor for Theoretical Philosophy at the Freie Universität Berlin

    since March 2014 Fellow of the Centre for Advanced Study in Bioethics at the University of Münster
    Research Project: Würde, Autonomie und Glück [Dignity, Autonomy, and Happiness]
    Professor at the Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St. Petersburg, Russia
    WT 2014/15 Deputy Professor for History of Philosophy at the University of Münster
    Executive Director of the private Trust Foundation Menschenwürde weltweit, [Neuss, Berlin, München
    Consultant, Key Account Promotion of Science for the Deutsche Stiftungsagentur (DS), Neuss, Berlin, München 
    Editor of the international journal Angewandte Philosophie / Applied Philosophy, together with Prof Dr Oliver Scholz, Münster
    February 2008 Habilitation in Philosophy at the Freie Universität Berlin
    September 2004 – April 2005 Visiting Professor (Fulbright-Scholar-in-Residence) at the Chaminade University, Hawai’i, USA
    March 2005 Fulbright-Visiting Lecturer at the University of Texas at Austin and the St. Mary University at San Antonio, Texas, USA
    1999 – 2006  Research Assistant (C1) for Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy of the Freie Universität Berlin
    February 1998 Promotion to Dr phil at the University of Münster
    WT 1987 till WT 1997 Studies in Philosophy, General Linguistics, German Philology, Mathematics, Medicine und Jurisprudence an der WWU Münster

  • Research

    Research Foci

    • Logic und Philosophy of Science
    • Practical and Applied Philosophy
    • History of Philosophy

    Current Research Projects (Organisation, with Promotion of the DS):

    (1) Logische Semantik, Kognitionswissenschaft und Kommunikation / Logical Semantics, Cognitive Science, and Communication. Cooperation with the Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St. Petersburg and the St. Petersburg State University. Start 01.10.2014, 8 years runtime. Follow-up projects are possible.

     (2) Angewandte Philosophie / Applied Philosophy. Kooperation with the China University for Political Studies and Law, Beijing. Start 01.04.2015, 8 years runtime. Follow-up projects are possible.

     (3) Theorien und Methoden der Wissenschaften. Start 01.10.2017, 6 years runtime. Follow-up projects are possible.

     (4) Menschenwürde weltweit. Start 01.03.2012. In project phase II, the promotion of philosophical research on the topic of Dignity is planned in cooperation with the University of Münster. Start of project phase II on 01.10.2017, 8 years runtime. Follow-up projects are possible.

  • Publikationen

    Scientific Monographs

    • Platons Theorie des Wissens im “Theaitet” ["Platons Theory of Knowledge in the 'Theaitet'"], Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2001, 324 S. (Hypomnemata 128, responsible editors: G. Patzig / D. Frede)
    • Jenseits der Täuschungen – Selbsterkenntnis und Selbstbestimmung mit Sokrates ["Beyond Deceptions – Self-Awareness and Self-Determination with Socrates"], Göttingen: V & R unipress 2011, 466 S. (Neue Studien zur Philosophie 23)
    • Jörg Hardy / Christoph Schamberger: Logik der Philosophie. Einführung in die Logik und Argumentationstheorie ["The Logic of Philosophy. Introduction into Logic and Argumentation Theory"]. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht at UTB, 255 S.
    • Platon. Laches. Translation and Commentary. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. (Platon. Werke. Übersetzung und Kommentar. V 3. Im Auftrag der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur zu Mainz herausgegeben von Ernst Heitsch, Carl Werner Müller und Kurt Sier).
    • Wahrheit, Wissen und Wirklichkeit. Grundfragen der Theoretischen Philosophie ["Truth, Knowledge, and Reality. Fundamental Questions of Theoretical Philosophy"], Göttingen, Herbst 2014.

    Current Anthology:

    • J. Hardy / G. Rudebusch (eds.): Ancient Ethics, Göttingen: V & R academics

    Monographs in preparation:

    • Platon. Politeia. I - IV. Translation and Commentary. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. (Platon. Werke. Übersetzung und Kommentar. (VIII 2. Politeia I – IV. Im Auftrag der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur zu Mainz herausgegeben von Ernst Heitsch, Carl Werner Müller und Kurt Sier)
    • I. Kant. Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten. Ein Studienkommentar. ["Kant. Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. A Commentary accompanying Studies"]
    • Würde, Autonomie und Glück ["Dignity, Autonomy, and Happiness"]
    • Social Epistemology