ZIVHPC is a cluster that was delivered in the year 2009. It is usuable by all students and emplyees of the WWU. The only prequisite is a registration for the group "u0clstr" that can be performed in the IT-Portal.

The parallel computer has been delivered by the Dutch company ClusterVision and consists of 20 compute nodes (2 servers per 1 rack unit, combined 160 cores), and a login node with 64 CPU cores. The operating system is CentOS 6.

Compute nodes:

  • 32 GB main memory
  • 2 quad core AMD Opteron 2352 CPUs, 2.1 GHz

Login Node ZIVSMP:

  • 512 GB main memory
  • 4  AMD Opteron 6380 CPUs, 2.5 GHz, 64 cores in total


  • 3 TB /home-directory (Fraunhofer FS)
  • 2 TB /scratch-directory (glusterFS)

DDR Infiniband serves as fast communication network. Additionally, all computers are connected via Gigabit Ethernet (for GPFS, batch system).

The complete cluster (ZIVSMP + compute nodes) accomplishes 1,3 TFlops (78,8% efficiency) in the High Performance LINPACK-Benchmark.

Detailed LINPACK results in PDF format [de]
System temperature gradation and distribution [de]