| Dieses Projekt endete im Juni 2019
Dieses Projekt endete im Juni 2019
| First Joint Doctoral Summer School
© Matteo Bozzon

Run by the WWU Graduate Centre and the Research Excellence Training Team at York July 17 - 20, 2018 in Kavaliershäuschen, the first joint free-of-charge European Professional Development Doctoral Summer School provided an opportunity for 15 exceptional research students at the University of Münster, Germany, the University of York, UK and the Maastricht University, Netherlands to come together to develop their professional skills, share and exchange ideas and network. The WWU Graduate Centre is indebted to all involved people from three institutions for the loveliest four days of mutual support, creative cooperation, active engagement despite sleep deprivation, serious diligence, etc., particularly to our International Office for supporting us financially with its Internationalisation Fund.

The summer school has been an unforgettable experience for all participants, who undertook skills analysis, reviewed career options, developed career development plans, explored and put into practice tools to support project and people management skills, and created strategies for long-term collaborative activities.

My professional skills received a clear polish as being involved in this programme left me with good chance of managing individuals from different educational environment and training gave me a real sense of direction to what job do I really want to do and what exactly do I need equip myself with to sell myself effectively in the competitive job market around the globe.
Doctoral Student from York
The summer school presented me with the opportunity of working with diverse people from different academic, social and geographic backgrounds. This made discussions very broad and rich as people contributed based on their unique experiences and enabled me to learn from other perspectives. This helped to build mutual respect among us. The contacts made will be lifelong.
Doctoral Student from Münster
I benefited greatly from exercises to improve my CV, practice (non)academic job interviews and advice on what skills and experiences to acquire for my dream job. This may sound trivial, but this workshop also helped me to gain clarity on my future goals and objectives and allowed me to formulate a concrete plan on how to achieve them.
Doctoral Student from Maastricht
Wwu Gc Web

Das WWU Graduate Centre ist für Sie da!

Als erste Anlaufstelle für (inter)nationale Promovierende der WWU bietet das Graduate Centre eine möglichst individuelle Förderung "Junger Karrieren" durch vielfältige Internationalisierungs- und Qualifizierungsangebote, aber auch durch Vernetzungsangebote und Stipendien. Die Diversität von Lebensplänen – von Managementkarrieren über Akademische Tätigkeiten bis hin zum Journalismus – soll berücksichtigt und gefördert werden. Das erworbene Projekt IP@WWU fügt sich somit optimal in die Kernaufgaben des Graduate Centres ein.

Den Flyer zum Projekt finden Sie hier:  IP@WWU Flyer.