The Surrogate Grandparents project – “Time for you, time for me”

Wanted: Surrogate grandparents over 50
Offered: Surrogate grandchildren

More and more students, employees and academics with families from around the world come to the University of Münster to study, work and research. Usually the grandparents have to stay behind and their grandchildren grow up without them. Yet taking walks with grandma or grandpa through the zoo, reading books to each other, or doing handicrafts together enrich everyone’s lives.

“Time for you, time for me” offers families and potential “surrogate grandparents” an opportunity to meet one another at a picnic or café, share ideas and make contacts. This could make your next family outing to the zoo a very special occasion and perhaps make a wish or two come true. And who knows what new perspectives might come of it? We provide the right setting and are always available if you have any questions or suggestions.

If you are interested in participating or have any specific needs or questions, please feel free to contact us at the Equal Opportunity Office.
Contact: Claudia Cramer [de]