Networking activities…

Outside the University, the Equal Opportunity Officer strives to collaborate with regional and national stakeholders in the field of gender equality by exchanging information, implementing projects and developing strategic policy.

… at the regional level

At the regional level, the Equal Opportunity Office cooperates with municipal organisations which promote gender equality. One such organisation is the Frauenbüro Münster (Münster Women’s Office), with whom we collaborate once a year in preparation for “Girls’ Day” at the University. In addition to regular meetings for equal opportunity officers from all institutions of higher education in Münster, our office maintains close contact with equal opportunity representatives at local companies and municipal authorities in Münster on a regular basis.

Visit the website of the Frauenbüro Münster [de]
Catholic Women’s Social Service Centre [de]
Association of Single Parents (VAMF)
Women’s Emergency Hotline in Münster [de]

… at the supraregional level

The Principal and Deputy Equal Opportunity Officers regularly take part in the Federal Conference of Women’s Representatives and Equal Opportunity Officers at German Universities (BuKoF) and the State Conference of Equal Opportunity Officers at Universities and University Hospitals (LaKoF) in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. As gender equality measures at German universities become increasingly professionalised, these federal and state conferences provide equal opportunity representatives at universities the chance to exchange information and to network. Furthermore, these events are an opportunity to develop universal gender equality goals and strategies for universities which can then be presented with one voice to political decision makers at the state and federal levels. Thus, LaKoF and BuKoF both serve to represent the interests of the individual equal opportunity officers.

Visit the website of the Federal Conference of Women’s Representatives and Equal Opportunity Officers at German Universities (BuKoF) [de]
Visit the website of the State Conference of Equal Opportunity Officers at Universities and University Hospitals in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (LaKoF NRW) [de]