Visual representations of the migration period in northern europe

 Goldbrakteat aus Tjurkö (5. Jahrhundert n. Chr.)

Gold Bracteate from Tjürko (5th century AD)

Until the excavations of 1985, some 900 pieces of gold Bracteates were by far the largest group of pre-Christian visual representations in Northern Europe which had come down to us. The methods of deciphering the meaning of their visual representations in general were developed by using this large data base, which has been published in the iconographic catalogue in three volumes between 1985 and 1989.

The results of the interpretation of the visual representations of the gold Bracteates and those of the runic characters which have come down to us complement each other methodologically as far as religious studies of the migration period are concerned.

The project is funded by the "German Society for the Advancement of Research in the Arts and Sciences" (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) [DFG] and the "Danish Council of Research in the Arts"

Staff involved:

M. Axboe, mag. art. (Kopenhagen), Dr. C. Behr (London), Prof. Dr. K. Düwel (Göttingen), em. Prof. Dr. K. Hauck † (Leiter), Dr. W. Heizmann (Göttingen), Dr. G. Müller, S. Nowak (Göttingen), A. Pesch

 Ikonologie der Goldbrakteaten