Further Information: This project is part of research on the indigenous media and art scene in Chiaps (Mexico). Participant research has been conducted and indigenous media producers and artists were accompanied in their projects. When media and art is produced, especially by social or ethnic minorities, such as by people of indigenous societies in Mexico, media expressions often mediate profound social and political meanings, and might have considerable social impact, within, but also beyond a community. The first part of this film showes the Tsotsil filmmaker Ronyk at work in the field with his protagonist. The second part is the actual short film he was producing. Check out further information on his film Con las Manos en la Tierra and the biography of the filmmaker here: http://www.ethnocineca.at/essa/essa-filme-2014/con-las-manos-en-la-tierra/
Check out more about the researcher and the research project on indigenous media here:



This 'Making Of' accompanies the Tsotsil-Maya artist "Ronyk" while he is shooting his documentary short "Con las Manos en la Tierra". After the making of part (15 min.) follows Ronyk's short film (15 min.). The making of shows how Ronyk approaches his protagonist Don Sirilo and explains him his ideas and intentions behind the film-project.

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