Dr. Hakan Özkan



    10. 2002 – 5. 2006 Deutsch-französische Promotion über klassisch-arabische Literatur unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Claude Audebert, Universität Aix-en-Provence-Marseille I und Prof. Dr. Monika Gronke, Universität Köln, 3. Gutachter: Wolfhart P. Heinrichs, Harvard Univ.

    10.2004 – 5. 2006 Studiengang Neugriechische Sprache und Literatur an der Universität Aix-en-Provence-Marseille I

    10.2000 – 10.2001 Lehrgang am Institut Français d’Etudes Arabes de Damas, Damaskus, Syrien

    10.1995 – 6.2000 Magister-Studiengang an der Universität zu Köln
    Islamwissenschaft (Hauptfach), Indogermanistik (NF), Völkerrecht (NF), außerdem Linguistik, Neogräzistik, Romanische Sprachen


    1.2014 – dato Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Universität Münster

    6.2013 – 12.2013 Gastwissenschaftler (investigador visitante), Universidad de Granada

    3.2013 – 6.2013 Wiss. Mitarbeiter, Institut für Musikwissenschaft, Universität Münster

    10.2011 – 7.2012 Gastwissenschaftler am Institut für interdisziplinäre Zypern-Studien, Universität Münster

    11.2010 – 9.2011

    Gastwissenschaftler (visiting scholar), Oxford University

    2009 – dato Buchbesprechungen für Middle Eastern Literatures, früher Edebiyât, Die Welt des Islams und Mamluk Studies Review

    10.2008 – 5.2012 DFG Auslandsforschungsprojekt: Grammatik des Romeyka (Griechischpontischen aus Trabzon, Türkei), Istanbul/Oxford

    9.2007 – 9.2008 Wiss. Mitarbeiter, Universität Münster

    1.2007 – 8.2007 ATER (Attaché temporaire d'enseignement et de recherche), Lehrbeauftragter und wiss. Assistent für klassische und moderne arabische Literatur: Université de Provence, Aix-Marseille I

    2.2002 – 7.2005 Lehrtätigkeit IREMAM (CNRS), Marseille/ Aix-en-Provence, France

    11.2001 – 6. 2006

    Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, Universität Köln, Orientalisches Seminar
    4.2001 – 7.2001 Lehrtätigkeit Türkisch, Institut Français d’Etudes Arabes de
    Damas (IFEAD), Damaskus


    10.2010 – 9.2011 Gewähltes Mitglied am St. Cross College, Oxford University
    9.2008 – 8.2011 Post-Doc Stipendium der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschafts (DFG)

    17.07.2007 Offizielle Qualifikation zur Dozentur (Nr. 07215181478) an französischen Universitäten, ausgestellt vom Conseil national des universités (CNU)

    10.2002 – 9.2005 Promotionsstipendium der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
    10.2000 – 8.2001 Auslandsstipendium für Graduierte der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes

    11.1998 – 6.2000 Stipendiat der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes


    Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft (DMG)
    Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient (DAVO)

  • Publikationen


    [2013] Diwān Ibrāhīm al-Miʿmār” A 8/14th century Mamluk anthology of epigrams, muwaššaḥs, zaǧals, bullayqs and mawwāls by Ibrāhīm al-Miʿmār. Critical edition with introduction, commentary, glossary and index. Bibliotheca Islamica, Berlin/ Beirut (other autors: Thomas Bauer, Anke Osigus, to be published fall 2013)

    [2008] Narrativität im Kitāb al-Faraǧ baʿda š-šidda des Abū ʿAlī al-Muḥassin at-Tanūḫī (gest. 384/994) (Klaus-Schwarz-Verlag, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-87997-344-6). Reviews of this book by:

    [ongoing] La pensée rationaliste d’Ibn al-Humām. Edition critique et commentaire du traité al-Musāyara fī l-ʿaqāʾid al-munǧiʾa fī-l-āḫira de Kamāl al-Dīn Ibn al-Humām (m. 1457). Kamāl al-Dīn Ibn al-Humām’s speculative (kalām) treatise al-Musāyara. Critical edition with introduction and commentary

    Articles in peer-reviewed journals

    [2013] “The Drug Zajals in Ibrāhīm al-Miʿmār’s Diwān” In: Mamluk Studies Review (to be published)

    [2013] “Some Notes on the Islamization of Greek-Speaking Villages in Trabzon” In: Welt des Islams (submitted)

    [2013] “Muslimisch-Pontisch und die Sprachgemeinschaft des Pontisch-Griechischen im heutigen Trabzon” In: Choregia, 11 (2013), 115-134

    [2013] “The Pontic Greek Spoken by Muslims in the Villages of Beşköy in the Province of Present-Day Trabzon” In: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 37, 1 (2013), 130-150

    [2009] “Comment narre-t-on un ḫabar? Le narrateur dans les récits de la littérature d‘adab” In: Synergies Monde Arabe 6 (2009), 265-281

    [2008] “Narrative Voice and Focalisation in Kitāb al-Faraǧ baʿd al-šidda by al-Tanūḫī” (Erzählstimme und Fokalisation im Kitāb al-Faraǧ baʿd aš-šidda des at-Tanūḫī). XXX. Deutscher Orientalistentag, Freiburg, September 24-28, 2007, Selected Papers, Ed. by Rainer Brunner, Jens Peter Laut and Maurus Reinkowski on behalf of Deutsche Morgenlandische Gesellschaft (DMG), Berlin. Online-Publication, March 2008. ISSN 1866-2943.
    Link: http://orient.ruf.uni-freiburg.de/dotpub/oezkan.pdf

    [2006] “Du rôle de la poésie dans les récits du livre al-Faraǧ baʿd al-šidda d’at-Tanūḫī” Annales Islamologiques 40 (2006), 83-106

    [2005] “Narrengeschichten und die scheinbare Unordnung der Prosakomposition im Kitāb al-Bayān wa-t-tabyīn des ʿAmr b. Baḥr al-Ǧāḥiẓ.” Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 155, 1 (2005), 105-124

    [ongoing] “A Romantic Patriot’s Realism: Al-ʿUǧaylī’s anthology Maǧhūla ʿalā al-tarīq”

    [ongoing] “An al-mufassira: syntactic and discursive analysis of a grammatical phenomenon in
    Classical Arabic”

    Review articles

    [2013] Bina' al-Uslub fi al-Muwashshahat al-Mamlukiyah by Sulafah Abd Allah. Mamluk Studies Review (to be published)

    [2013] Al-Jāḥiẓ: A Muslim Humanist for our Time, Ed. by Arnim Heinemann, John L. Meloy, Tarif Khalidi, Manfred Kropp. Die Welt des Islams (in print)

    [2013] The Weaving of Words. Approaches to Classical Arabic Prose. Ed. by Lale Behzadi and Vahid Behmardi. Die Welt des Islams 53 (2013) 116-119

    [2009] Classical Arabic Humanities in Their Own Terms. Festschrift for Wolfhart Heinrichs. Ed. by B. Gruendler and M. Cooperson. Middle Eastern Literatures 12, 3 (2009) 305-309

    Miscellaneous articles

    [2013] “Şam ve savaş” (A literary essay on the perceived impossibility of war in Syria and Turkey) In: edeb!yat (a Turkish literary journal) 38, March/ April 2013, 67-68

    [2012] “1930’ların Türkiye sanat ve fikir hayatını Yunanistan’a anlatan adam: Avram Papazoğlu (1910-1941)” (The man who introduced Turkish literature to Greece in the 1930s: Avraam Papazoglou) In: edeb!yat (a Turkish literary journal) no. 32 March/April 2012, 110-112

    [2011] “Translations of Literature and Works on Social Sciences from Turkish into Greek (1990-2011)” In: Transeuropéennes – International Journal for Critical Thought, Mapping Translation in the Euro-Mediterranean Region initiative by the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the dialogue between cultures, Paris, 2011, s. links at http://exoriente.net/?p=344

    [2011] “Greek-Turkish Translations of Literature and Works on Social Sciences between 1990 and 2011” In: Transeuropéennes – International Journal for Critical Thought, Paris, 2011, see links at http://exoriente.net/?p=344

    [2011] “Literary Translaton from Turkish into Arabic in Arab Countries (1990-2010)” In: Transeuropéennes – International Journal for Critical Thought, Paris, 2011, see links at

    [2011] “Mısır’ın yeni anayasası hakkında” (On Egypt’s new constitution). Published in Yeni Anayasa Platformu (a cross-societal platform for a new Turkish consitution), see
    http://www.yenianayasaplatformu.org/yazarlar/22, 3 March 2011

    [2010] “Literary Translaton from Arabic into Turkish in Turkey (1990-2010)” In: Transeuropéennes – International Journal for Critical Thought, Paris, 2010, see links at

    Invited talks, conference papers

    [2013] Panel Classical Arabic Philology: “Mamlukische zaǧal-Tradition am Beispiel der zwölf zaǧals in Ibrāhīm al-Miʿmārs (gest. 749/1348) Diwan” 23 - 27 September, 2013, Münster University

    [2013] “Littérature de l’ivresse/ Ivresse de la littérature: Les enivrants dans le divan de Ibrahim al-Mimar” 21 June 2013, INALCO-CERMOM, Paris

    [2012] “La traduction comme miroir : repenser les échanges culturels euro-méditerranéens” 26 September 2012, Comédie Française, Théatre du Vieux-Colombier, Paris

    [2012] “On Challenges, Opportunities and Best Practices of Translation in the Euro-Mediterranean Region” 25 and 26 June 2012, Bozar (Centre of Fine Arts), Brussels

    [2012] “Das Pontusgriechische im heutigen Trabzon” 5 June 2012, Münster University

    [2012] “The Drug Zajals in Ibrāhīm al-Miʿmār’s Diwān” 28-29 April 2012, University of Chicago

    [2011] “Romeyka in Nowadays Turkey - The Pontic Dialects of Trabzon” 9 June 2011, Oxford Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, Oxford University

    [2011] “Les fluxs de traduction littéraire turc-arabe/ arabe-turc pendant les années 1990-2010”, 22-23 May 2011, Transeuropéennes, Royaumont, France

    [2011] “Who Influenced Whom? The Interaction of Turkish and Romeyka in Sürmene/ Trabzon”, 19 May 2011, King’s College, London

    [2010] “Bir Dil Nasıl Kaydedilir? Trabzon’da Rumca Üzerine Saha Araştırmaları” (How to Record a Language - Linguistic Fieldwork in Trabzon), 23 December 2010, Galatasaray University, Istanbul

    [2010] “Language of the Mountains - The Rumca Dialect of Sürmene”, Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes (IFEA), Istanbul, 8 December 2010

    [2010] “Inflection and Tenses in the Sürmene Varieties of Pontus” at the conference “The Greek Language in Pontus: Romeyka in Contemporary Trebizond” at Queens’ College, Cambridge University, 13 March 2010

    [2007] “Narrative Voice and Focalisation in Kitāb al-Faraǧ baʿd al-šidda by al-Tanūḫī” (Erzählstimme und Fokalisation im Kitāb al-Faraǧ baʿd aš-šidda des at-Tanūḫī). XXX. Deutscher Orientalistentag, 26 September 2007, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

    Conference host

    [2010] Co-host of the symposium “The Greek Language in Pontus: Romeyka in Contemporary Trebizond” at Queens’ College, Cambridge University, 13 March 2010 (together with Ioanna Sitaridou, Cambridge University)

    Translated works

    Arabic into German
    1) (novel) Fadi Azzam: Sarmada, Verlag Hans Schiler, Berlin to be published summer 2014

    Arabic into Turkish (books on Islamic culture and theology)
    2) Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAlī al-Nadwī: İslam’ın Siyâsî Yorumu (original title: al-Tafsīr al-siyāsī li al-Islām), Bedir Publishers, İstanbul 2007, ISBN 978-975-8514-96
    3) (Pseudo-)Abū Ḥāmid al-Ġazālī (gest. 505/1111): Ulûm-i Âhiret Keşfindeki Parlak İnci (original title: al-Durra al-fāḫira fī kašf al-ʿulūm al-āḫira), Bedir Publishers (to be published)
    4) Usāma al-Sayyid: Kardâvî’nin Gerçek Yüzü (original title: al-Qardāwī fī al-ʿarāʾ), Bedir Publishers (to be published)

    Arabic into Turkish (literary works)
    5) (prose) Mahmoud Darwish: Gazze için sessizlik – Alışılagelmiş hüznün günlüğü (original title: Yawmiyyāt al-ḥuzn al-ʿādī), Özgür Yayınları, İstanbul 2009, ISBN 978-975-4472-660
    6) (novel) Samuel Shimon: Paris’te bir Iraklı (original title: ʿIrāqī fī Bārīs), Bu Yayınları, İstanbul (to be published summer 2013)
    7) (prose) Fadi Azzam: Şam bu orospu çocukları (original title: Innahā Dimašq yā awlād al-qaḥba) In: edeb!yat (a Turkish literary journal) no. 38 March/April 2013, 69-71
    8) (novel) Fadi Azzam: Sarmada, to be published spring 2014
    9) Various poetry by Mourid Barghouthi, Fadhil al-Azzawi, Joumana Haddad and others for the yearly International Istanbul Poetry Festival (2009-2013)

    Spanish into Turkish
    10) (poetry) Graciela Aráoz: Şeytan Kadın (original title: Diabla), Özgür Yayınları, İstanbul 2010, ISBN 978-975-447-278-3, Work published under the auspices of the Foreign Office of the Rebpublic of Argentina
    11) (novel) Guillermo J. Fadanelli: Rock Hudson’un Öteki Yüzü. (original title: La otra cara de Rock Hudson), Özgür Yayınları (to be published spring 2013)
    12) (poetry) Rocío Cerón: Tiento (to be published fall 2013)

    Greek into Turkish
    13) Αντώνης Σαμαράκης (Antonis Samarakis): Nehir (a short story with the original title: Το Ποτάμι). In: Çevirmenin Notu 10, (Journal for Translation Studies), Istanbul 2010
    14) Αβραάμ Παπάζογλου (Avram Papazoğlu): Bir kadın düşmanı (a Greek review of Reşat Nuri Güntekin’s novel originally published in the Athenian literary magazine Νέα Εστία, July 1932, 774-775). In: edeb!yat (a Turkish literary journal) no. 32 March/April 2012, 113-114

    French into Turkish
    15) Réné Maran: Batuala (original title: Batouala), Bu Yayınları, İstanbul (to be published spring 2013)
    16) Tim Guénard: Nefretten de güçlü (original title: Plus fort que la haine), Bu Yayınları, İstanbul (to be published summer 2013)