Recent Additions to the Library

© Ehrenpreis Centre 2019

A rare new addition to the library, the Charters and Bye-Laws of St Patrick's Hospital


© Ehrenpreis Centre 2018
  • © Ehrenpreis Centre 2018

Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux, Oeuvres diverses ... Avec le traité du sublime ou du merveilleux dans le discourse, 2 vols (Amsterdam: Antoine Schelte, 1697).

Carmina novem illustrium feminarum … et lyricorum … Elegiæ … Bvcolica: ex bibliotheca Fvlvii Vrsini (Antverp: Christopher Plantin, 1568).

© Ehrenpreis Centre 2018

Petronius Arbiter, Petronii Arbitri Satyricon: cum notis & obseruationibus variorum  (Leiden: ex officina Plantiniana, apud Franciscum Raphelengium, 1596).

Publius Terentius Afer, Publii Terentii Afri Comoediae ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensitae (London: Jacob Tonson, 1701). This edition began printing in 1699 and was supposed to be out that year, but bears the date 1701 on the title page and was not provided to subscribers until the following summer.

© Ehrenpreis Centre 2018

An important new reference work has been added to our library: Jakob Brucker, Historia critica philosophiae a mundi incunabulis, 6 vols (Leipzig, 1742-67).

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Louis Moréri, Le Grand dictionnaire historique ou le mélange curieux de l’histoire sacrée et profane, 6 vols (Basle: Jean Brandmuller, 1731-32).


Giacomo Vittorj,Tesoro de las tres lengvas Espagnola, Francesa, y Italiana.
Giacomo Vittorj,Tesoro de las tres lengvas Espagnola, Francesa, y Italiana.
© Ehrenpreis Centre
  • Benedictus de Spinoza, Opera Posthuma.
    © Ehrenpreis Centre

Giacomo Vittorj, Tesoro de las tres lengvas Espagnola, Francesa, y Italiana. / Dictionnaire en trois langves. Divisé en III parties, 3 vols (in one) (Geneva: Jean Antoine & Samuel de Tovrnes, 1671).

Benedictus de Spinoza, Opera posthuma, 2 vols (in one) ([Amsterdam: J. Rieuwertsz, 1677]). Purchased with a generous grant by Trebuth Stiftung Essen.


© Ehrenpreis Centre
  • © Ehrenpreis Centre
  • © Ehrenpreis Centre

Marcus Meibomius, Antiqvæ mvsicæ avctores septem, 2 vols (in one) (Amsterdam: Ludovicus Elzevir, 1652).

Saint Thomas [More], Utopia, a mendis vindicata, Amsterdam: J. Jansson, 1631.


Hippocrates, Opera quae extant Graece et Latine
Hippocrates, Opera quae extant Graece et Latine
© Ehrenpreis Centre
  • Petrus Martyr Anglerius, Opus epistolarum
    © Ehrenpreis Centre
  • Petrus Martyr Anglerius, Opus epistolarum
    © Ehrenpreis Centre
  • Petrus Martyr Anglerius, Opus epistolarum
    © Ehrenpreis Centre
  • Jacques Auguste de Thou, Historiarum Sui Temporis
    © Ehrenpreis Centre
  • Jacques Auguste de Thou, Historiarum Sui Temporis
    © Ehrenpreis Centre
  • Jacques Auguste de Thou, Historiarum Sui Temporis
    © Ehrenpreis Centre

Petrus Martyr Anglerius, Opus epistolarum, 2nd ed. (Amsterdam: D. Elzevir, 1670).

Hippocrates, Opera quae extant Graece et Latine, ed. Hieronymus Mercurialis. 2 vols (in one) (Venice: Giunta, 1588).

Jacques Auguste de Thou, Thuani ... Historiarum Sui Temporis. 6 vols (Aurelianae: Pierre de la Rovière, 1626-30).

© Ehrenpreis Centre

St Epiphanius, Contra octoaginta haereses opus, Basle: Robert Winter, 1545.

Purchased with a generous grant by Sparkasse Münsterland Ost.

© Ehrenpreis Centre

William Dampier, A New Voyage Round the World, 3rd ed. (London: James Knapton, 1698).

Purchased with a generous grant by Sparkasse Münsterland Ost.

© Ehrenpreis Centre

Samuel von Pufendorf, The Whole Duty of Man according to the Law of Nature, London: by Benjamin Motte for Charles Harper, 1691. The first English translation of Pufendorf's 1675 De officio hominis et civis, which is full of interesting material for an enriched understanding of Gulliver's Travels.

Gulliver Hamburg-2
© Ehrenpreis Centre

We are happy to announce the acquisition of the rare first translation of Gulliver's Travels into German, published under the title Des Capitains Lemuel Gulliver Reisen in unterschiedliche entfernte und unbekandte Länder ... Ihrer Seltsamkeit und Anmuth wegen aus dem Englischen in das Teutsche mit Fleiß übersetzet, 2 vols (Hamburg: Thomas von Wierings Erben, 1727), simultaneously in Leipzig by Philip Hertel (Teerink and Scouten 425). The translator was Johann Heinrich Liebers, a member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft (Reimer C. Eck, Swift Studies, 11, 1996, 132-36). However, the translator's claim to have translated from the English original, which had first appeared in October 1726, is not correct. The translation is in fact based on the anonymous first French version which had come out at The Hague in January 1727.

© Ehrenpreis Centre

Additions to the library 2016

Jean Léger, Histoire générale des églises évangélistes des Vallées de Piémont, 2 vols (in one), Leiden: Jean de Carpentier, 1669.

Sir Thomas Herbert, A Relation of Some Yeares Travaile, Begvnne Anno 1626, London: William Stansby and Jacob Bloome, 1634.

Justus Lipsius,Opera omnia, postremum ab ipso aucta et recensita, 4 vols, Antwerp: C. Plantin, 1637. Purchased with a generous grant by Trebuth Stiftung Essen.

César-Pierre Richelet, Les Plus belles lettres des meilleurs auteurs françois, avec des notes, Amsterdam: Henri Wetstein, 1690.

Homeri Ilias & Odyssea, et in eadem scholia, sive interpretatio, veterum, ed. Josua Barnes, 2 vols, Cambridge: Cornelius Crownfield, 1711.

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Eutropii Historiae Romanae Breviarum ... in Usum Scholarum (London: Benj. Tooke and Tho. Cockeril, 1694).

Richard Knolles, The Generall Historie of the Turkes ... Together with The Lives and Conquests of the Othoman Kings and Emperours, 4th ed., [London]: Adam Islip, 1631.

George Buchanan, The History of Scotland, Faithfully Rendered into English, London: Printed by E. Jones for A. Churchil, 1690.

Gabriel Daniel, Histoire de France, depuis l'etablissement de la monarchie françoise dans les Gaules, 3 vols, Paris: Denis Mariette, 1713.

T. Livii Patavini historicorum Romanorum principis ... , Paris: Societas Minima, 1625.

The Ehrenpreis Centre for Swift Studies has been able to purchase the recently surfaced Paris 1625 folio edition of Livy's Roman History, which Swift later in life gave to his friend Peter Ludlow. So far, this edition is the only personal copy from the Dean's library known to be in German and European libraries.