Titus Andronicus


The Roman commander, Titus Andronicus, returns victoriously from the war against the (allegedly) barbarian Goths. During his absence a battle for the imperial crown has erupted in his country. Triumphant but weary of war and politics, Titus commits two crucial errors right at the beginning: He rejects the sovereignty offered him and thus allows the neurotic Prince Saturninus to ascend the throne. Moreover he has Tamora’s eldest son  – according to traditional martial law – brutally executed before the queen of the Goth’s very eyes. She swears to relentlessly seek revenge and thus a web of violence and excesses is spun from which there is no escape.

TITUS ANDRONICUS is a bloody, salacious and at the same time perceptive play in which all political elements become a charade. It is a meditation about the nature of evil and about the kind of atrocities that are committed in the guise of truth, honour and justice. The world of the play only allows room for love when it is confused with lust or as the exaggerated affection between parents and children.

The English Drama Group Münster’s production of TITUS ANDRONICUS – directed by Iris Adamzick –is a return to Shakespearean drama for the group after years of performing modern  plays. The central theme of the play is the absurdity and inception of violence. The EDG emphasizes the timeliness of this theme with its modern interpretation of Titus.