© Eike Boll

Snow sports project for children and young people with oncological diseases

The cooperation project with the University Hospital took place once again in Kleinwalsertal at the Zaferna Hut in March. Students from Module 10 were involved in the project. The 22 children and young people and their families who took part were offered ski courses at all skill levels and the team, led by Eike Boll, was also able to provide adequate solutions for therapy-related restrictions. This included the use of sit-ski equipment, tandem poles, ski tip holders and the tethering method - always under the motto "No Handicap". As a pilot project, two of the participating patients were tested in advance using the "Movement Assessment Battery for Children (M-ABC-2)" motor skills test. Initial results in the re-test showed strikingly positive results, particularly in the area of balance. The project is financially supported by Kinderkrebshilfe Münster e.V.